Coming up for air!
Tim Frakes
Documentary and live event video for non-profit, faith-based, broadcast and corporate clients.
2017 has been among the busiest of my professional career. Good thing I love what I do!
The year started off wrapping up our new documentary God’s Glory, Neighbors Good, the story of Pietism. This 75 minute documentary tells the story of the reformation after the reformation. It took three years, shoots in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany and here in the US. You can order a copy through Vision video.
The Chicago Sunday Evening Club tapped me on the shoulder to pull together and complete three half our documentaries on the coming Age Wave in America. By 2030 20 percent of Americans will be over the age of 65, overwhelming the social safety net. What’s the response of the faith-based community and how we are already making a difference.
Speaking of Healthcare, Northwestern Medicine has kept me busy recording training videos and interviews with senior leaders.
In March I returned to Pakistan with the US Pakistan Inter-religious Consortium. My job was to document Intersection International’s largest UPIC delegation and their ongoing work building bridges between our two societies through faith-based approaches.
Work also continues on my documentary on WCFC-TV 38, once, the largest independent Christian television station in America. Look for a finished product sometime in the future.
The Chicago Bible Society asked me to produce a short video about Chicago’s oldest civic organization. It was fun to tell their story.
Greater Chicago Broadcast Ministries also kept me busy producing three full documentaries for ABC7 Live Well Network. One on Syrian Refugees, one on having faith-based approach in era of Donald Trump and an expanded version of the Chicago Bible Society Video.
Lutheran Social Services of Illinois, one of my favorite clients, also kept me busy with their annual Amicus Certus video about the great work they do in field of adoption services. I also did a fair amount of training video work for their vast network of social service providers.
My oldest client, Lutheran Life Communities took me on a tour of all six of their campuses telling stories about their staff and the residents they serve.
RCAP, the Rural Community Assistance Partnership asked me to do two projects, one project turned existing English language wastewater and drinking water video resources into Spanish language resources.
The second project took me to the Mora Valley in New Mexico where I told stories of local wood harvesters and RCAP’s efforts to organize sustainable solid waste cooperatives.
31 Lengths, a New York Ad Agency asked me to produce two testimonials for Chicago Theological Seminary, one in Birmingham, Alabama and one here in Chicago.
Franciscan Outreach, one of Chicago’s larges homeless shelters called this year and asked me to tell their story and record testimonies of folks who’s lives have been impacted by their ministry.
Excel Marketing is a new client. They kept me busy making videos about a metal stamping operation a personal injury law firm and Union pipe fitters.
Thanks to all my terrific clients, video production and post-production free-lance partners and of course, my family, who make it possible for me to produce documentary and image video for non-profit, faith-based, broadcast and corporate clients.