Blog Posting # 757, Copyright 1 September 2023. EducateMHC


Parallel Perspectives. HUD-Code manufactured housing is federally-regulated, performance based, affordable factory-built housing! Ad land lease communities (a.k.a. manufactured home communities & ‘mobile home parks’) comprise the investment real estate component of manufactured housing! EducateMHC is the online advocate, historian, trend tracker, and text resource for these two business models! To input this blog or connect with EducateMHC, telephone (317) 881-3815, email: [email protected], or visit, to order Community Management in the Manufactured Housing Industry. This is the sole professional community management text in print today! And SWAN SONG is a history of land lease communities and official record of annual MH production totals since 1955; and my autobiography, From SmittySlpha6 to MHMaven – describes combat adventures in Vietnam, and a 45 year business career in MH and community ownership/management.


George Allen, CPM?Emeritus, MHM?Master, Emeritus member of the Manufactured Housing Institute (“MHI’), RV/MH Hall of Fame enshrinee, retired lieutenant colonel of U.S. Marines, and author/editor of 20 books re MH, communities, business & management wisdom, and prayer.





By now we all know of some consequences characteristic of takeovers (a.k.a. ‘acquisitions’) of institutional investment grade land lease communities by (often) hedge fund firms looking for places to park their money – in hopes of salacious ‘returns’ by way of rental homesite rate increases and imposition of previously-absorbed expenses.


Well, here’s an unabridged passage from a recent email message I received from the MHAction (That’s short for Manufactured Housing Action) folk announcing their 2023 National Gathering in Washington, DC, November 5-8.


“My name is Holly Hook and I’m a resident of Swartz Creek Estates in Swartz Creek, Michigan. I’m a member of MHAction because I believe everyone has the right to a safe, affordable home and community.


I bought my manufactured home because I needed an affordable place. In 7 years, I paid off my house and had reasonable lot rent that covered land, sewer and garbage. My neighbors were mostly low-income seniors who retired to our community. No one knew that our community was for sale until a notice appeared on our doors in July 2018 saying Havenpark Capital had bought us, and our lot rent was going up 22%.


Roughly 2 million people live in communities owned by the 50 largest community owners. Many operate like Havenpark, devastating seniors and families. And now some of the biggest private equity companies in the world are buying up mobile home parks.


That’s why we’re coming together for our 2023 National Gathering, which will be held in Washington, DC, from November 5 -8!”




Holly Hook, MHAction resident leader.





‘RVs as Affordable Housing’ is the title of a feature article I’ll soon submit for publication in an academic publication. Here’re the interior headers from the manuscript:


‘Fulltime RVers’ are considered by many to be a new breed of homeowner

Reasons for this emerging category of residency

At least nine types of recreational vehicles (‘RVs’)…described

A working definition of affordable housing

Definition of ‘residential housing’ is broadening

But there’s a problem, a challenge…

Examples of recreational vehicles being used, even preferred, as permanent housing

Where to buy new and used RVs to be used as temporary and permanent housing?

What does the future hold relative to RVs as affordable housing?


Do you have experience and or thoughts on any of these matters? If so, I need to hear from you soon, via [email protected]





In little more than a week, hundreds of land lease community owners/operators and other manufactured housing aficionados will be making their way to Atlanta, GA., to participate in the 12th annual SECO Conference. Will you be among that number? I sure will be. Planning to arrive on Sunday to be ready to help kick off this stellar event with a patriotic remembrance of the significance of September 11th! Then, the rest of that day will be devoted to ‘Manager Monday’, replete with all sorts of learning relative to our unique, income-producing property type.


The next two days? Google SECO to learn the details and how to register for this ‘one of a kind’ educational event for land lease community folk.


While I am not a keynote presenter this year, I plan to be available as a ‘roving consultant’ regarding the marketing and sale of new HUD-Code homes on-site in communities, and how to preserve one’s legacy by penning personal memoirs or histories of one’s business enterprise. If seriously interested in either or both these seminal topics, and possibly others, please let me know beforehand via [email protected]


I also plan to have a new surprise on hand for interested parties. As you may or may not know, over past decades, I’ve copyrighted Management Wisdom Cards related to Elements of the Management Process; Problem-solving Procedure; Management Success Formula; the WRITE card; and a 21st Century Triad! Management Wisdom Cards were inspired by original, hand-laminated wallet cards we, as Marine lieutenants, carried into battle to aid in land navigation, first aid, calling for close air support and artillery fire. I truly believe I’m alive today thanks to tips and reminders contained on those cards, and used during the heat of combat in Vietnam. We’ve packaged these plastic Management Wisdom Cards in small envelopes and they’ll be ‘free for the asking’.



George Allen, CPM, MHM








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