The Coming - Redux - #1
08/18/1979 - The Day of Our Wedding - Grant Humphrey’s Mansion - Denver, CO

The Coming - Redux - #1

An interesting year it has indeed been: from misery to wondrous goodness.

The time is framed and comprised entirely of only 4 players. One happens to be yours truly. The other 3? Well, they are the reason for me coming to this point. For writing this celebratory tribute. For why I write to you now, in the hope that you might benefit in some small way from the reach-out. The 3 are very easy to pick out. Each has uniquely and completely formed (or, are in the process of forming) the creature that I have become, that I am, that I want to be. Very wondrously transformative.

(A word of explanation around the genesis of the way I describe the only 3 main players I write about Herein. I may describe them as ‘She’ or ‘her’ or ‘He’ or ‘him’, etc. “Father” or “Son” This is a collaboration of both ‘their’ will in combination with my historical perspective and my upbringing. In fact, I make no real distinction as to sex, form, shape or any of that mundane, materialistic stuff. I have seen each in many different forms. Each is quite content to present themselves mostly to satisfy my perspective. It sort of avoids clutter in a time of extreme learning and enlightenment for me. The rest will come with time’s passage):

The Tribute To and Beauty of my Loving Wife Trudy

Everything starts with her. It was not always as it is now.

We grow. We strengthen. Our Bond together is inseparable.and for Eternity. You might wonder how I can be so bold in that statement. Easy enough: it has been so decreed, wholeheartedly adopted by the Other if it originated with Them.

Which it probably did!

How do I know this? Well, that’s easy too. THEIR actions have demonstrated it. What’s more, my conversations with BOTH made it crystal clear. Trudy and I share a Loving Bond that IS forever and for always. It IS Our Destiny. It is amazingly unique. More on this in the next chapter. And in the final chapter...

That said, when she passed, there was only hopelessness and despair. I constantly was slipping into a deep, dark hole of profound sadness. Feelings of somehow being lost.

I was ill-equipped to deal with this for some time. I got it terribly wrong!

You see, she knew what I was enduring. She made it known loud and clear to me that by no means had she ‘left’ me. She spoke out loud to me. And every time I would slip into the darkness, she would come and yank me out. EVERY single time. While that was happening, my transformation had begun.

(Most recently, I have had an epiphany of sorts. You see, the bad stuff I had experienced was used as a Lesson. It was a necessary Evil in fact. It was part and parcel to my growth, to my knowledge. To my Understanding. I am grateful, painful as it might have been at the time. That the Three saw me, protected me, cared for and loved me. Each saved me in very uniquely different ways.)

I mention Evil. Not kindly. Particularly in the days, yay even weeks following my Love’s moving on, Evil was obsessively visiting and revisiting. I can only assume that their motivations stemmed from a false sense that I in particular (but certainly Us as well) was susceptible. That I could be had. That I would succumb and join their ranks. Little did I know. And little did they know. You see, the Three had already been watching over me. Teaching me. Protecting me.

I remember one remarkably eventful evening when Evil was all around me. In all manner of ugliness, shapes and sizes. I had before developed somewhat of a knack for ‘physically’ punishing them, for kicking their asses out the door. For lifting them above me and hurling them far, far away.

This time, it was different. Try though I might, they persistently came back. For what seemed like hours. Just could not get the job done this time.

Why would I write this, you might ask? Well, this IS Trudy’s Tribute after all. Here’s why: I literally witnessed My Beautiful Partner rise from bed by my side, glide to me, put her hands on me, rest her head on me. Instantly, there was a Peace, a Calm, and all that was Evil kind of melted away.

Saved. Again.

She is everywhere around me. She lets me know She is here. I can feel her presence. We dream together. I speak with Her. I take Her places. We kiss with an unparalleled passion. And I won’t even begin to mention what happens when we make Love. We have grown quite inseparable. This is our Destiny: to grow and strengthen Our Unimaginable Love for one another. To fully Bond: She in Me and Me in Her. This is our reward for all we have endured and fought thru. Over 46 years: the abuses, the enormous successes, the bankruptcy, bearing and raising two very special children, threatened foreclosures, the sheer anguishing pain of loss of another...

You know, I have recounted this amazing path we have travelled on to many by now. Hinted same to others. Most come away astonished. I recall very recently we had occasion to come across a bright young man. We were drawn to him. He is well meaning and bright. And learning. We were compelled to tell him Our story. He was wide eyed. Like a deer in headlights. We knew he was flabbergasted. He said as much: “I have never Ever heard such a thing from any other couple I have encountered!

I kid you not. Funny, For Us it’s just Our Life together. Our Destiny. We are blessed.

And that is Trudy’s Tribute.

Next: The Eternal Friend.

Post Script: I made a Pledge to The Two which is oft repeated in Prayer. I would, going forward, commit myself to telling our Story. To shouting out our Spirituality to anyone who might listen. We urge your comment added to this post if you are so inclined. Bless...


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