Coming to Know God on the Autism Spectrum
As I travel through this world, I ask myself how can I relate to God and how does God keep blessing me no matter how difficult and challenging the world becomes? Quite simply, I look to Jesus for perfection because through Him and only through Him, can we find God's true template of how we are to be and know. The thing which saddens me in God's image is that we live in a secular world and people don't know how to love God and seek Him in a troubled and fallen world. You only need to step out of the 'rat race' to see God's creation in the mountains, rivers, trees, beach which is all made by God and not by man.
Being on the Autism Spectrum which is really the world's label and not God's is a means of seeing the world uniquely through the eyes of God. Each and everyone person is made in God's image and we are also the one lost sheep. I remember going to a Christian Life and Witness Course in 2019 to hear Franklin Graham speak. While in the audience, I believed that God was talking to me through Franklin Graham while he stood at the front of the audience. I know that God had chosen me and wanted me there.
I think and believe sadly that so many adults on the Autism Spectrum don't know God and Jesus. Many I believe have been deceived by the devil into believing that God hates them when He loves them. We need to remember that Jesus was bullied by the world as well as the Apostle Paul. In my life I wondered where bullying came from and why I was tormented psychologically in the past? Not that I want to acknowledge the devil but I believed and still do believe that the enemy hates us all because the devil wants God out of the world which is why we so much hate, destruction and decay in the world we live in.
Each day I pray for more people to know the Lord and even the New Testament has a passage, Pray for Everyone.
1 Timothy 2:1-7
God Wants Us to Pray for Everyone 2 First of all, I ask that you pray for all people. Ask God to bless them and give them what they need. And give thanks. 2 You should pray for rulers and for all who have authority. Pray for these leaders so that we can live quiet and peaceful lives—lives full of devotion to God and respect for him. 3 This is good and pleases God our Savior. 4 God wants everyone to be saved and to fully understand the truth. 5 There is only one God, and there is only one way that people can reach God. That way is through Christ Jesus, who as a man 6 gave himself to pay for everyone to be free. This is the message that was given to us at just the right time. 7 And I was chosen as an apostle to tell people that message. (I am telling the truth. I am not lying.) I was chosen to teach those who are not Jews to believe and understand the truth.
Unfortunately I believe in this world that I am stigmatised in being on the Autism Spectrum. Yes I mention my diagnosis several times but I also believe that people just think I am 'obsessed' in the Bible because of the way I think and function. The real reality is that Australia unfortunately is a secular society and the world has tried relentlessly to stop people from opening their Bibles and knowing God's word. I particularly see the Roman Catholic Church as responsible for this also in having services for a long time in Latin and only allowing the select few to have access to God's word dumbing down the rest of the congregation to ensure they can be controlled and not able to know God and His word.
Anyhow my purpose in writing this article is not to criticise the churches but rather instead try my best to know Jesus and follow Him. First of all why is Jesus a true and only friend. Quite simply who do we want to spend eternity with when our time is not eternal in this world? Yes we need to have friends of the flesh but we also need to know our Creator as we are going to spend eternity with Him. We are all sinners unfortunately because the first man Adam disobeyed God's law and chose to listen to the devil which is why the world is such a mess. The new man Jesus is without sin and is perfect just as God wants me to be as well as you. Sadly though we carry this 'worldly disease' called sin which makes us and each and everyone of us fall short of His Glory.
You could say the best thing in this world is to be accepted and have true friends not ones that only want something that the world offers. By this I mean those that are secular seem to come in from the world's angle more so than God's love. Unfortunately it sounds like a judgement but sadly it is true. Don't we feel better when we have friends? So much is said about friendship in the Bible and in this world so little actually existed when the devil is working overtime to distract people and want attention for after all he is a fallen angel of beauty to a creature of darkness. I know I would rather follow God through Jesus as Jesus is the light and He is a true and loving friend. He is with us when and wherever we are just that most of the world has shut him out. We need to remember that Jesus is the head of the party and He loves us and blesses us when we look to Him and we need to kick the gate crasher of the devil out of the party. Show the devil the door and boot him out and allow Jesus to be our loving Friend and Mediator to God. Wouldn't you rather have a loving God rather than an ego seeking, bullying, hating gate crasher always causing a ruckus in God's House. I can only be as blunt as I can.
The thing which is frustrating in Australia is that when one wants to pray with another person sadly that person may be offended "I am not really wanting to pray" or "can you do it another time". How much the world pushes away with it secular alienation when God wants us to be in His sheep fold for just like sheep, people need a Shepherd otherwise they will be attacked if left astray. Jesus speaks about this in the Bible if anyone cares to read it.
Next year I turn 50 and God has kept me strong and continues to do so even though some days I wish He would just call me home. I know that He wants me here for a purpose and that is to bring people, especially younger men to know Jesus. Despite having to wear masks, we all have uniqueness in God's image and He has the hairs of our head numbered. Recently I was interviewed about my Baptism from Catalyst Church in Brassall. You may also want to contact Catalyst Church about the Alpha Course The Alpha Course can be done both in Church and Online.
The mission I have is for mental health awareness and bringing more young men to Jesus Christ.