The coming Global A.I. War is a war for the Future
Microsoft's Holo Lens 2 has a huge contract with the Army.

The coming Global A.I. War is a war for the Future

The A.I. Cold War has Arrived

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If the U.S. pushes China, it may be surprised what comes next.

Hey Everyone,

Eric Schmidt, the former CEO of Google, has been warning China is getting ahead in A.I. for years.

The National Security Commission on AI believes that China could soon replace the U.S. as the world’s “AI superpower” and said there are serious military implications to consider. Other A.I. startups who are major clients of the National Defense sector are mimicking these?claims . Apparently it’s profitable for some to start an A.I. cold-tech war.

The mandate of the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence’s (NSCAI) is to make recommendations to the President and Congress to “advance the development of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and associated technologies to comprehensively address the national security and defense needs of the United States.”

But do we fully understand what an A.I. war means? It’s not all about “winning” someone should tell the ultra nationalists of the U.S. and China, the entire world is watching.

The United States and China are increasingly engaged in a competition over who will dominate the strategic technologies of tomorrow. This is in fact one of the reasons I started this Newsletter,?A.I. Supremacy . It was on the belief and good faith that people like Eric Schmidt were?good actors . But when it comes to the mixing of politics, greed and A.I., I am not so sure. That the financial elite of the U.S. want to profit from competition with China is pretty clear.

Read the Final Report of the NSCAI

America misunderstands China and few American journalists have covered A.I. policy in a satisfactory way, one that I enjoy reading is?Kate Kaye , may Protocol rest in peace. Cold-war rhetoric may not serve America this time, as bloated monopoly capitalism hides the truth of the situation.

Information warfare, corpore espionage, cybersecurity concerns and entertainment apps like TikTok are concerning. So is China’s increasing sophistication around its A.I. capabilities and quantum computing research. China isn’t just doing more research, it has considerably more A.I. startups, especially in the area of facial recognition supporting its complex social credit system and Surveillance Capitalism 2.0.

The U.S. is once again Calling China a Threat

China deeply understands the potential for AI to disrupt warfare and ultimately overtake the USA, and is investing heavily to capitalize on the opportunity. China considers AI as a “historic opportunity” for “leapfrog development” of national security technology,?per China’s 2017 National AI Development Plan. - Alexandr Wang

Even as artificial intelligence is contributing to an intensifying bilateral rivalry, it also is driving both countries to race out ahead of the rest of the world in innovation, economic growth, and overall national power. Moreover, the adoption of advanced technologies is hastening the arrival of intense societal disruptions in both countries. The U.S. is likely using competition with China to take attention away from automation, robots entering the workforce and the generally disruptive potential of?trends like Generative A.I.

In the U.S., the media is mostly used to weaponize profit, exploitation and nefarious interests of a select group of people over the interests of the common workers. Yet American Capitalism continues to evolve, in this direction:

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Perhaps instead of admitting you may have a debt crisis, it's easier to point the finger at an external enemy. Such is the glory of American politics and political centralization pretending to be a functioning democracy, when it's relatively easy to manipulate a two party republic that behaves more like a plutocracy.

I would not be surprised if the U.S. is directly behind the student and urban protests to China’s covid-zero policy we are seeing during the last week. The U.S. is drastically underprepared for the age of artificial intelligence, according to a group of experts chaired by former Google CEO Eric Schmidt and frankly, it’s resorting to different measures?including the Chips ban ?which I covered.

Most Americans believe?that U.S. leadership in advanced technologies is so entrenched that it is unassailable. Likewise, many in the American national security community insist that in the AI arena China can never be more than a “near-peer competitor.” Both are wrong. - Belfter Center, Harvard.

Americans have not yet grappled with just how profoundly the artificial intelligence (AI) revolution will impact our economy, national security, and welfare. And paradoxically, Congress is full of political leaders who are far too old to imagine what A.I. will do to the livelihood of their grandchildren in terms of technological disruption. Let’s blame the other guy, let’s blame China for making A.I. more of a priority that we have. Lobbyists from the BigTech and A.I. startup sector, also want to double-dip and profit from it.

Not only does the U.S. manufacture hype cycles for Venture Capital institutions to profit from the trends in technology and A.I., even the Biden Administration’s hard diplomacy with China in terms of bans goes against the very principles of free-market Capitalism in the world supposedly on ethical grounds. But limiting China’s access to Nvidia chips and other specialized A.I. hardware only hastens China’s ability to build out a chips supply-chain network and dominate in the A.I. sector even faster.

You can read the rest of the article here.

Thanks for reading!

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Alexis Colmenares-Zapata

PhD | Profesor | Investigador | Consultor | Asesor en Asuntos Internacionales | Planificación Estratégica | Prospectiva | Política Internacional | Derecho Internacional

6 个月

I wish to invite you to participate in our Delphi survey titled 'Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Future Conflicts between the United States and China'. We are exploring how AI might influence military strategies and combat tactics between the US and China by the year 2050, as well as its potential impact on global geopolitics. Your participation will be incredibly valuable. Your responses will be kept confidential and used only for academic research purposes. We will mention your name only as one of the experts who contributed. Thank you in advance for your assistance. The survey will take no more than 10 minutes of your time and can be accessed through the following link:

Brent R. Mekosh CFP?, CEPA?, CIMA?

CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER ? Professional, Certified Exit Planning Advisor, and Certified Investment Management Analyst? Focused on Empowering Entrepreneurs to help Secure Their Legacy, and Protect Their Wealth.

1 年

Great artlicle. Thank you for sharing.

david m f hooi

/accountant/regioraad-voorzitter pameijer/ ict- begeleider/ bij ict-academy/ + vrijwilliger buurtcirkel zevenkamp/email = [email protected]

1 年

you’re genius i think.


