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Ink Stains, A Dark Literary Anthology, Volume 12, edited by N. Apythia Morges
Featuring my horror story, "Got One Heart"
Science bends to terror as a married couple share one another's thoughts
Anthony Morgan thwarted his wife for as long as he could, making excuses, lying about wants and needs, ducking the opportunities to talk about it at length, but she persisted beyond his capacity to say no in a reasonable manner. In the end, he just gave in.
“It’ll mean the world to me,” she said. “I’ll make it worth your while.” Then she smiled her smile, the one he could not deny.
“All right.” He made sure to say it so that she understood the depth of his resignation. “You play so dirty.”
“You know it, bro.” Her smile deepened as she leaned close to him, pressing herself against his side. Closing his eyes, he sighed. She always knew how to get her way.
“Besides, you understand how important this is to my work, how vital this step in the procedure is to the project.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know.” He made the duck quacking motion with his hand, the thumb meeting the fingers. “Blah, blah, blah. Yada –”
“Don’t say it.” She poked his side, beginning to tickle with her nails. He sidled away from her, his own smile breaking over his face.
“Cut it out.”
“I will when you say yes.” She started the tickle attack in earnest, moving her fingers into his belly in the method he found irresistible.
“No fair,” he said, giggling. In a minute, it’d be uncontrollable. “I already said yes.”
She stopped. Blinking, she looked up at him. “Really?”
“Yes,” he said, readjusting his shirttail. “Really.”
“Oh, honey.” She hugged him, clutching tightly. “Thank you so much. I promise it’ll be great. Really. Better than you think it’ll be.” She nodded with gusto. “Really. I promise.”
“It’d better.”
Available April 30th at Dark Alley Press:
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