Comic tilism ....10
Vidhu Sharma
Business intelligence Professional - Doing free lance consulting assignments at Kolkata & Delhi
Role of Sun-Mars conjunction...
Few notable placements in houses of Sun- Mars
Sun-Mars Conjunction in the 1st house indicates that you may possess an attractive personality with a high degree ambition to achieve his/her goals. He/she will have the inertia to work more than the physical capacity of the body that must be avoided for good health.
Sun-Mars Conjunction in the 2nd house is good for the wealth and finance related matters but is not very progressive in matters related to family and personal relationships.
Sun-Mars Conjunction in the 3rd house will be progressive for you with efforts and courage as you will have the knack to win over your rivals with courage and gusto.
Sun-Mars Conjunction in the 6th house can give you good position, power, materialistic happiness, success in competition and good earnings.
Sun-Mars Conjunction in the 9th house will be progressive for the matters related to wealth gains from abroad and good inclination and action in religious activities.
Sun-Mars Conjunction in the 10th house will bless you with good pointers of intelligence and action to achieve their goals. You can achieve good success during this conjunction and there will be good accumulation of wealth through good earnings and efforts. Relationships will not be fine.
Sun-Mars Conjunction in the 11th house indicates the blessings of good health, good financial state and success in share market but may have to bear the responsibility of his/her family.