Comfort Zone to Success: - A Journey Hard to Live
“The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.” ~ Vidal Sassoon, hairdressing business tycoon.
Everyone in the world wants a happy, successful, and prosperous life, but only a few really work hard for it, the majority just procrastinate. At one point in life, we all have wished to be among the most famous names like Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerberg; but what could be the possible reasons that you are not as successful as they are? Here I would discuss a few reasons read on
Different Types of Zones
There are four basic types of life zones you might be in. To achieve success, you need to know where exactly you are. Your comfort zone is a place where you feel safe, comfortable and in control, but your abilities are not being tested, or you do not have anything new or different to do from your daily routine.
Fear Zone is the next step where you feel a lack of confidence, find excuses, and get affected by others’ opinions easily. Fear holds us back from experiencing more joy and happiness and stops us from leaving the Comfort Zone. It also prevents us from stepping into the Learning Zone.
Learning zone is quite an interesting area; Here, you will deal with challenges and problems and acquire new skills. As you face your fears, you will realize that learning helps us get over our fear quickly and efficiently. I would say that learning zone is a challenging but happy place to be – and it is true, it extends your comfort zone. Once we have the skills, we are comfortable again.
Growth zone is the place where you need to be to conquer the world. In this zone, you find purpose, live your dream, set new goals, and master the object. The cycle repeats, and you keep on flourishing.
It is great if you are already in the learning or Growth zone, but what you to do you are stuck in the comfort zone or fear zone. Read on to get the answer.
How to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone?
Being within the boundaries where you feel comfortable is a lot easier than facing the fear of venturing beyond them; but you miss out on a lot of professional opportunities, life experiences, and personal growth by not trying and limiting yourself to your comfort zone.
Want to get out of your safe heaven but do not know where to begin? The hardest part is taking the first step. Here are a few things that you can do to get rid of your comfort zone.
Switch up your routine!
Your routine plays an important role in your growth because routines are as much about comfort as they are about efficiency. Change your routine in small but meaningful ways on daily basis. You can walk a new route to work, take lunch at different times of the day and take the stairs instead of the elevator. These small switches in your routine will lead to meeting new people and seeing different sights, which will help kick-start ideas for both your professional and personal life.
Face your fears
I used to be introvert and reluctant to speak in front of people. A teacher of mine realized and helped me overcome the fear of public speaking. He encouraged me to speak in the class every single day. Every time I stood up in front of the class to express my views, I got better. I still get a bit nervous when I have to speak in front of a large group, but I get comfortable as soon as start speaking.
I started with a small audience then moved to a larger audience. If the thought of speaking to a group makes your knees knock, start small. The more you face your fears, the better you will get.
Try learning something new
Do anything that you struggle with, keep trying different approaches until you are no longer scared of doing it. Sometimes it takes a while to get comfortable, so try different approaches daily, or just keep doing it until it becomes comfortable. Then move to the next uncomfortable thing.
Learning to play a musical instrument is a great option for a new experience, you can also ride a horse, build a model plane or car, take a class at an institute, have lunch/dinner at an unfamiliar restaurant.
Prepare a list of growth goals
Having a list of growth goals keeps you motivated and help you evaluate your progress. Your list can include things such as “practice public speaking,” “take a risk,” “explore a new and strange idea” or anything else that you would like to add. Keep the list close by you and read it at the end of the day. Reading the list will force you to take the steps achieve your objectives.
Be Calm and Positive
When you try break the comfort zone there comes a time when you’ll experience a negative outcome that shakes your confidence and makes you feel scared. In that situation, you need to be calm and positive do not let anything prevent you from blasting past the point of comfort. Recognize that you will have negative outcomes. It is a natural part of the process.
Do not allow negativity to creep into your mind. Keep yourself reminding that it is going to happen, you are going to be successful. When you are rejected you should recognize that rejection is redirection, and you are being given feedback about how you can do something better.
Keep Expanding Your Comfort Zone
Once you master a skill and get comfortable with it look for something new, never stop expanding your comfort zone. Set new goals higher and tougher goals. Look for new challenges. Find stuff that you would never imagine you would do. Like learning to market online, recoding YouTube videos, teaching a class on the subject that once filled you fear. Alternatively, you could work on a related skill. All these things will keep you in the growing zone and you be conquering and world.
No matter how long you have been stuck in the comfort zone once you decide to get out it you can easily do it with a strategic plan. So, do not wait any more, get up, prepare a plan and rule the world.