Comfort or Passion – What’s YOUR Choice?
Do you wake up every morning feeling drained and exhausted, despite waking up after sleeping through the night? No, it’s not tiredness causing it – it’s the thought of doing everything you do every day that’s exhausting. It’s a sign that you aren’t made to do what you do. You’re made to do something else. You may have thought the job you got was a ‘dream job’ and now, you’re in denial because ‘how can something you thought was your dream make you unhappy?’
Well, that’s the thing. Finding your passion and purpose doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a ‘trial and error’ most of the time.
If you don’t wake ‘all ready’ to start the day, think for a moment and ask yourself, ‘is it really what I want to do the rest of my life?’ Quitting won’t be easy. Your passion may not even pay you too well, at least not initially, but when you follow your passion, you’ll work harder, and that too, happily. That’s what’ll pave your way to success.
You may not be the happiest with your current job, but you’re definitely comfortable. Comfort often kills dreams. Just because you can’t gather the courage to step out of your comfort zone, you continue doing what you don’t enjoy!
It’s never too late to follow your passion.
Imagine giving 8 hours of your day doing something that doesn’t push you to do better?vs.?spending 8 hours on doing something you’re truly passionate about.
Life is full of chances. It’s on you how many you take and what you do about them!