“Cometh the times, Cometh the leader"

In the life of any organization, challenging times are inevitable. It is during these critical moments that true leaders emerge, steering the ship towards success by facing the crises head-on. Hierarchy or titles alone do not define leadership, It is the way the leaders show up, influence, and inspire their teams that determines their leadership prowess.

Consider yourself privileged if you find yourself in the presence of such remarkable leaders in your journey. Personally, I have had the honor of seeing outstanding leaders ( esp. Richard Rushton, Paolo Lanzarotti & Bhupendra Chhapwale) shape the destiny of an organization by navigating tough times. When faced with adversity, they embraced their roles and guided their organization to new heights. Witnessing their journey through the various stages of my career has not only been inspiring but has also provided me with a masterclass in leadership.

Navigating a storm demands a different approach than captaining a ship through calm waters. Extraordinary circumstances call for exceptional leadership, requiring specific qualities and skills. These exceptional leaders achieved a "cult" status among their teams and organizations, not because they were born leaders, but because they rose to the occasion when the times demanded it.

Among the qualities I have observed in these leaders are Clarity of vision, unwavering courage, discipline, resilience, drive collaboration by breaking down silos, Authenticity, Simplicity, strong focus & impactful communication. The leaders i have worked with have showcased a beautiful mix of leadership attributes—While some excelled in mastering communication and showing up with impact at critical moments of crisis, while others possessed a remarkable ability to envision the bigger picture , tap into the wisdom prevailing just below the surface in their organisations and with a positive “never say die attitude” inspiring their teams to emerge even stronger.

True strength lies not in the absence of crisis but in building the capability to navigate through them, which ultimately makes an organisation emerge stronger. These leaders left a lasting impact on their organizations, setting strong benchmarks and inspiring others to step up as leaders, they create a legacy that transcends their time in office.


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