There comes a time when you have to learn to say no if you want to be successful in business.
Michael Bell
Any business that wants to be successful online, requires marketing that drives sales. If you think that your business doesn't need marketing? Think again!
Why do clients sometimes feel its ok to ask for FREE work?
Its simple. They’re not respecting you, your skills and experience enough to pay money. So why bow down and bend over backwards for them and work for FREE?
Working for Free won't pay your bills, mortgage or feed your children.
If a client is asking you for free work, no matter what their circumstance, it’s likely that they’re not worthy enough of taking on as a client.
The sad reality is that there are people – a lot of people – who will happily take advantage of every benefit you have to offer them, but when it comes time to pay up, they’ll refuse to do so. It hurts. It’s frustrating and they will always have an excuse, of course, but the bottom line is, you’re not getting paid!
"Don't be a donkey and say NO!"