Comedy History: The Columbina

Comedy History: The Columbina


Let’s talk about the classic stock character archetype of Columbina, or Little Dove, from Commedia dell'arte. Columbina was a “Zanni” or servant, Stock character which would play against the “vecchi”, or old/rich man, character (the villain was the old man usually).

Starting as an entr'acte dancer before women could be a part of the on-stage story and were only allowed to dance in between acts, the Columbine archetype was born as a servant during harlequin comedies, but quickly found its place as a character itself by skirting the classic theater rules and becoming the gossipy fourth wall breakers talking trash in between the story.

Once the Columbina was aloud to be a part of the story she was often the only functional intellect on the stage, was very down to earth and could always see the situation for what it was. She always has something to say about whatever action is taking place on stage. Often portrayed as the wife of Pierrot (an archetype that was an stand in for the post-revolutionary people, not a fool but rather a man struggling, sometimes tragically, to secure a place in the bourgeois world, the classic sad clown), and often the mistress of the Harlequin (light-hearted, nimble, and astute servant, often acting to thwart the plans of his master – think sneaky Butler from Mr. Deeds), seen in the tattered gowns of a servant, or in heavy eye makeup and holding a tambourine that is used to fend off the advances of the Pantalone (think creepy old rich man).

Other names under which the same character is played in Commedia dell'arte performances include Franceschina, Smeraldina, Oliva, Nespola, Spinetta Ricciolina, and Corallina Diamantina. Colombina became the most common name used to describe the sobretta character, especially as Colombine in France and in England.

One of the actresses who made this character famous was Silvia Roncagli, the first woman recorded doing a seretta role named Francheschina in about 1570. Caterina Biancolelli was one of the most famous serettas whose name was Colombina. She played the part about 1683.

This is the archetype that gives us the modern sitcom wife.


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