Come see us at the 4th Global Ministerial Conference in Marrakech

Come see us at the 4th Global Ministerial Conference in Marrakech

iRAP is excited to be joining the?4th Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety in Marrakech from 18-20 February, with Side Events (including our Ten Steps to 2030 for Safer Road Infrastructure Event) from 15-20 February.

The Ministerial Conference will bring together global leaders, policymakers, and road safety advocates from 193 countries to assess progress made in implementing the Global Plan for Road Safety 2021-2030 during its initial five-year period, and catalyse transformative actions to achieve the SDG target of halving global road deaths and injuries by 2030.

We’ll be sharing our partners’ success utilising the iRAP methodology and tools to eliminate high-risk roads in countries, and the lifesaving potential of achieving UN Targets 3 and 4 by 2030 with government authorities shaping their next five-year plans.

See the official Ministerial Conference website here for the latest program and to registration.

iRAP in Marrakech

We are assisting to mobilize and support Ministerial delegations in the lead up to, during, and beyond the Ministerial Conference to encourage SMART Commitments for 3-star or better road infrastructure which save lives and prevent serious injuries.

Click here for all you need to know to prepare for the Ministerial Conference including useful resources and links.

Heading to the Conference? We’d love to see you!

Here’s where you can engage with the iRAP team and hear about our partners’ work:

3rd World Youth Assembly for Road Safety?- Side Event hosted by YOURS

15-16 February, 10.00 – 5.00 pm Palais?des Congrès – Ambassador Auditorium

iRAP recognizes the vital role young people play in shaping the future of road safety, and iRAP, through our Star Rating for Schools Programme, is committed to fostering youth engagement and safer journeys to school. iRAP’s Star Rating for Schools Coordinator Minh Vo and Training and Accreditation Coordinator Franco Azzato will join the Assembly activities and present in Saturday’s SDG-focused Parallel Session: Global Focus on Education and Journeys to School.

Read more here

Ten Steps to 2030 for Safer Road Infrastructure?- Side Event hosted by iRAP, International Road Federation (IRF) - Official Account PIARC - World Road Association

17 February, 9.00 – 5.00pm Palais des Congrès – Fes 2

The impressive road safety impact of the Ten Step Plan for Safer Road Infrastructure will be shared, including its implementation success in countries (Tanzania; Senegal; Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan;?Mauritania, Morocco and Senegal), and its life-saving potential as a template that can be adopted by any country to achieve safer roads and mobility for a sustainable future for all. The Gary Liddle Memorial Trophy will be presented recognising the world’s best performing road authority/s eliminating high-risk roads.

Read more and register here

From Commitments to Accountability NGO Symposium?- Side Event hosted by the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety , World Health Organization and the Government of Morocco

17 February, 12:30 – 6.00pm Palais des Congrès, Ambassador Auditorium

This Symposium will explore how to make road safety commitments meaningful and actionable, considering the roles of different stakeholders and how to overcome the funding barrier that is often the limiter to implementation. Mobility Snapshots, leveraging the iRAP Star Rating methodology will be shared, the result of the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety’s landmark initiative which has seen road safety advocates in 44 countries gather data at 118 busy intersections to highlight the realities of people’s journeys around the world.

Read more here and register here.

Conference Exhibition?- iRAP Booth

17-20 February, 8.00 – 8.00pm Palais?des Congrès

Visit iRAP’s booth in the Conference Exhibition to learn more about how partners are using the iRAP methodology and tools to make roads safer in 132 countries. Come explore the human and economic burden of road crash injury, how safe your roads are, the Business Case for achieving the majority of travel at a 3-star or better standard in your country, and how we can support you to eliminate high-risk roads by 2030.

Challenge 2030: Achieving the Global Road Safety Goals?- Side Event hosted by FIA – Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile and FIA Foundation

17 February, 5.15 – 7.30pm (followed by a Reception) Four Seasons Hotel

This event will celebrate the 5-year Anniversary of Star Rating for Schools creating safe school journeys for children globally! A panel of experts will review progress in tackling road traffic injury and the challenge of achieving the 2030 targets. New FIA Foundation and Child Health Initiative reports will be launched, and major new corporate participation will be announced in the FIA Road Safety Index.

Launch of Global Road Safety Brief on Children and Adolescents?- Side Event hosted by 联合国儿童基金会

18 February, 7.30 – 8.30am Palais?des Congrès, Karam 1 & 2

This event will explore the magnitude and risk factors of child and adolescent road traffic injuries, and evidence-based intervention strategies. The new brief shares iRAP data and Star Rating for Schools Case Studies.

Advancing Safe and Inclusive Road Design in North and West Africa Working?- Session hosted by the International Road Federation (IRF) - Official Account

19 February, 10.15 – 11.30am Palais des Congrès

Road safety remains a critical issue in North and West Africa, with vulnerable road users disproportionately affected. The UNRSF “Safe and Inclusive Road Design in North and West Africa” project aims to address this challenge by fostering collaboration, updating road design standards, and ensuring inclusivity in transport infrastructure planning across Mauritania, Morocco, and Senegal. This special session will provide a platform to highlight the project’s approach, share experiences from other similar projects and initiatives, and engage different stakeholders in a constructive dialogue on advancing safe and inclusive road design for sustainable development in the region.

Read more and register here

Protecting Children on the World’s Roads Workshop?- hosted by 联合国儿童基金会

19 February, 2.15 – 3.45pm Palais?des Congrès, Karam 1

This session will launch UNICEF’s new Global Status Report on Child and Adolescent Road Safety. Star Rating for Schools and its partner impact transforming the safety of school journeys in 76 countries will be shared.

High Level Round Table on the Implementation of the Safe System?- Side Event hosted by the ITF - International Transport Forum

19 February, 5.45 – 7.15pm Palais?des Congrès, Karam 1

Numerous countries and cities have integrated the Safe System approach into their road safety strategies. The approach is also central to the operations of many public and private organizations. Session panelists will discuss how a Safe System approach guides road safety strategies and what it truly means in practice, key issues in implementation, and how these challenges can be overcome. It will also discuss the ITF Safe System framework tool, and how it has helped practitioners in pilot projects to design and improve their road safety strategies and plans.

Private Sector Role in Road Safety?- Side Event hosted by the Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS)

19 February, 5.45 – 7.15pmPalais?des Congrès, Karam 1

Public Private Partnerships Ministerial Parallel Session

20 February, 9.00 – 10.30am Palais?des Congrès, Parallel Session Rooms

To achieve the goal of halving road deaths and injuries by 2030, collaborative arrangements between the public and private sector are essential, such as innovative financing and public private partnerships (PPPs). This session will showcase compelling and replicable examples of collaborations aimed at reducing road trauma, which include joint investment in road safety technology; mass-transit solutions; co-funded infrastructure upgrades; and partnerships for public awareness campaigns.

Powered Two and Three-Wheeler Safety Ministerial Parallel Session

20 February, 9.00 – 10.30am Palais?des Congrès, Parallel Session Rooms

Worldwide, the use of Powered Two Wheelers (PTW) is growing rapidly and PTW users are estimated to be the largest group being killed on the world’s roads. This session will include leading voices in policy, industry, and technology, for a high-impact dialogue on advancing PTW safety worldwide. Insights from iRAP’s interactive Powered Two Wheelers and Road Infrastructure Safety Report will inform discussions, drawing on data for almost 500,000km of roads that have flows of PTWs in more than 80 countries.

Safe Systems Adaptations (Challenges for LMICs) Ministerial Parallel Session

20 February, 9.00 – 10.30am Palais?des Congrès, Parallel Session Rooms

Many countries and cities globally have adopted the Safe System approach to road safety, to maximise the potential to save lives. Effective implementation of the approach is critical to reaching the Decade goal of #50by30. This session will be an opportunity to review the progress made by jurisdictions that have embraced the Safe System and discuss how these learnings can be applied across LMICs. It will also be an opportunity to identify the enablers and blockers to effective implementation to help countries accelerate their road safety progress.

iRAP’s Involvement in Sessions

The iRAP team and our partners will be actively participating in various sessions throughout the conference, sharing knowledge and insights on topics such as:

  • Safe cities by design
  • Emerging trends in mobility
  • Multimodal transport and active mobility
  • Empowering governments: Pathways to sustainable road safety financing
  • Road safety in Africa
  • Motor insurance as prevention
  • Private sector engagement
  • Road infrastructure safety
  • Commitments and accountability (e.g. sharing the global impact of the Mobility Snapshots and #SaferRoadsPledge initiatives)
  • Road safety governance
  • Technology and evolving mobility modes

Road Safety Film Festival

The 10th Global Road Safety Film Festival and Awards 2025 will take place during the Ministerial Conference, produced by Laser International Foundation (LIFE), in partnership with the National Road Safety Agency (NARSA) of the Kingdom of Morocco, the Prévention Routière Internationale (PRI), and the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA).

We’re delighted to share that our major donor FIA Foundation has submitted two iRAP-related films for award consideration:

Let’s work together for a successful Ministerial and SMART safer roads commitments

Engage with iRAP

If you’d like to coordinate a meeting with the iRAP team during the Ministerial Conference, please visit the iRAP booth, or contact Judy Williams on email [email protected].

See you Marrakech!

  • Greg Smith - Global Program Director and Acting CEO
  • James Bradford - Global Technical Director
  • Julio Urzua - Strategic Projects Director
  • Judy Williams - Global Program & Communications Manager
  • Samar Abouraad - Safer Journeys Specialist
  • Nathalie Chiavassa - Safer Journeys Lead (Africa)
  • Minh Vo - Star Rating for Schools Global Coordinator
  • Franco Azzato - Training and Accreditation Coordinator

Let’s Work Together for Safer Roads – Stay Connected

To stay up-to-date on iRAP activities at the Ministerial Conference, and beyond, monitor our website, sign up to receive our newsletters, and follow us on social media.

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Securoute Africa


3 周

événement intéressant

Hawila Elie

Road Safety Manager

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