"Come, Let Us Return To the Lord"
P/Overseer Seth Frimpong

"Come, Let Us Return To the Lord"

Scripture Reference: Hosea 6:1

It is time to return to the Lord, for He will surely pardon us. We have wandered in our ways for too long. Our best ideas, skillful people, intellectuals, and those we trusted to save the situation couldn't meet expectations. We tried to survive on our own, but all our efforts were in vain.

In our hearts and daily confessions, we claimed we did not need God and tried to make it on our own. However, like a stubborn child who always saddens their parents, we, as a people, have done the same.

The time has come to let go of our pride and run back to God. It's not the time to blame each other, as the harm has already been done. Holding onto ideologies and party cultures that have failed over the years won't help either. It's not about which party or church denomination we support. It is not about religion or its origin. We must break down the walls of hostility that have divided us. It's time to have a national focus, unite ourselves, engage in a national dialogue, and commit to following one direction with God at the centre. This will bring the transformation we seek.

The recently-held National Development Conference, spearheaded by The Church of Pentecost under the theme "Moral Vision and Development," should be considered with keen interest, not indifference.

Sometimes, in life, someone must lead the way, regardless of their years of existence or academic credentials. It's about having God and allowing ourselves to be led by Him, for the Lord is the giver of all wisdom and knowledge.

Ghana's potential to be a beacon of hope in Africa relies on us, the current generation. Just as Prophet Hosea admonished the Israelites in Hosea 6:1, "Come, and let us return to the LORD; For He has torn, but He will heal us; He has stricken, but He will bind us up."

Let us return to the Lord, and He will surely heal our land. Though we may be cast down, we are not destroyed. Ghana will work again, but with God at the centre.

Written by P/Overseer Seth Frimpong



