Come to Jesus // John 14:6
By Mark Jordan
Today's verse is one I hold to tightly. Jesus declared Himself as truth, the path to God, and the only way to live. It is a controversial verse for some, because it feels exclusive. A critic might think that Jesus declaring He is the only way to God is narrowminded, bigoted, or hateful. Friends, that critique couldn't be any more wrong! This statement by Jesus is super inclusive. Anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved (see Acts 4:12). Jesus welcomes and saves anyone who goes to Him to find real truth and the way to God. This is not dependent upon where you came from, where you are, what you studied, or what you ate for breakfast. No, anyone who comes to Jesus will find that He is the truth, the way to God, and the hope for eternal life. Will you come to Him today??