Then comes EXECUTION...the vagabond style!!
Mazen sukkarieh
An "A" Team with a "B" plan is better than an "A" plan with a "B" team. Objective: "A" teams & "A" plans.
A brilliant idea and mediocre management, where does it get you? A solid, state-of-the-art execution and a B type plan. Where does THAT get you? And is an idea, a strategy or an execution different? Interlocking? Complimentary? Which “closes the deal”?
Let me use an extreme example to make a point. In my hometown, on a street with diversified income levels, most at a lower to mid-middle class section, run lots of vagabonds. In fact, most of those vagabonds make it a profession. They are dropped off early morning and picked back up later at night only to be replaced by the “night vagabonds”. Of course, not many realize the drop off and pick up as it happens several blocks away from that stretch. I was fortunate enough to witness it, more than a few times, during my morning runs; which got me curious enough to see if they get picked back up. That’s when I witnessed the drop-off of the “night vagabonds” to replace the day time group.
They run the streets for a good 8 to 10 hours or more. Eldest would be perhaps 12 years old. And they apply diversified strategies. Some cry severely until asked by passerby’s what’s going on and how they can help, only to find them later counting what they made in one of the allies nearby. Others just ask for change; but a big number of them, stick on you like glue, run after your car, hang on its window; give your girlfriend a flower and ask you to buy it, etc. They literally walk or run (if it’s a car) a good 2 to 3 blocks before giving up on you; and many “customers” surrender to their nuisance. You can see them flashing what they made to their “team vagabond” after “closing the deal”. They are instrumental; and the hefty returns they make…turned “need for spare change” to a lucrative business.
There’s no brilliant idea behind begging. No given strategy really until one is focused on it as a business. And once that happens, it’s all in the execution.
Business is much the same. I’m not asking you to beg for your deal of course nor stick on clients like glue!! And it would just be dazzling to have the right idea, the “A” team and the perfect execution. But in case you don’t, rest assured your execution is what makes it or breaks it. Not just a committed execution. Sure, you can put in the hours…re-actively. But once you carry out proactive execution, things happen.
It’s been said, “A brilliant idea, when poorly executed, reaches failure”. I couldn’t agree more.
Master your execution. Don’t kill a brilliant idea simply because you slacked. Don’t dismiss the idea either or come up with alibis as to why it didn’t work. Yes. Timing plays a role. Concept, strategy and all the mixes too. Even luck. But that’s where it’s at.
President ?? Arab Council Association for Prosthetic Eyes
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