"Come to the Edge," She Said...

"Come to the Edge," She Said...

“Man’s greatest desire is to make a difference. Man’s greatest realization is that he makes a difference every day.”

Imagine you’ve just received a phone call from a close physical education friend. Helen is inviting you to a potluck meal. You’re on the fence, so you ask: “Who’s coming?” There are several people you know and a few names you don’t recognize. ?You ask about the other people. “Just neighbors and a few folks from Ted’s work.” Ted is Helen’s husband and is a writer for the local business journal.

Here’s the funny thing about teaching physical education. You don’t really need to be all-in to get a paycheck. You can be half-hearted, blend into the crowd, keep your head down and be okay. It’s been this way forever.? Or you can choose to be like Helen.

Helen is all-in. She’s that protective mother bird guarding her nestlings and chasing away hawks.? She surrounds herself with like-minded thinkers who are on the Road Not Taken.

“And there will be few physical education friends that I’ve known for a while,” Helen says. “Several were my mentors in my early years as a teacher.” She wants you to meet them. So, do you rise above the crowd or just sink back into it? Choose the Road Not Taken or stay with the status quo?

You’re still on the fence. Large group gatherings are hit-or-miss events with you. You don’t exactly know what to bring. “Just bring yourself!” is Helen’s reply. “We have plenty of food.”

You’ve just gotten home from teaching and you’re too tired to think. You appreciate Helen’s invite, just not really sure it’s a good fit for this weekend. “Let me think about it. ?I’ll text you tomorrow.”

However, a few short minutes later you find yourself sending Helen your response.

As you walk through the door, there are happy sounds of laughter and excited voices. You look around the crowded room. There are several clusters of groups talking and enjoying themselves. One looks like it could be the group from Ted’s office. Perhaps two smaller groups of neighbors??

You walk to the appetizer table that is located past the serving island in the kitchen to grab a few items.? You find your physed friends and begin to small talk. As you listen, you think it may be time to leave the nest.

Come to the edge,” She said. “It’s too high,” They said.

After the meal, everyone moves to the adjoining living room with a cozy fireplace to continue their conversations with coffee and desserts.

Come to the edge,” She said. “We’re afraid,” They said.

You’re seated close to the fireplace, warming yourself and staring into the fire. You think you hear someone say your name, but when you turn around no one is there.

Come to the edge,” She said

Just then Ted asks for the group’s ?attention and announces: “I’d like to introduce a new colleague of mine. This is Rebecca. She will be joining me to cover our expanded school section of the journal.” Rebecca stands and says: “I know there are a few of Helen’s physical education teacher friends here tonight. Can I ask: ‘Why did each you decide to become a physical education teacher?’”

It’s time to go. Everyone is back in their original small groups for hugs and goodbyes. Before you leave, you say to Helen: “This was terrific. The food, friendships and stories were just what I needed. ?Thanks!” As you head out the door, you’ve made your decision.

“Come to the edge,” she said. And they came. And she pushed them. And they flew!


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