Combining Prince2 with Agile: possible?
Rob Bliekendaal [LION]
Senior Project Manager |Program Manager |People + Process = Succes |My approach your solution| Interested? Let’s talk
Often the question is asked to me if Agile can be combined with project management (Prince2). In this article I will discuss the matters of this question.
But the first question we should really ask is: do we even need a “project” to carry out the work?
What is called a project?
"A project is a temporary organization that's created fort he purpose of delivering one or more business products to an agreed Business Case." (PRINCE2.2014)
Loosely translated:
"A project is a temporary organization that is created for the purpose of delivering one or more business products according to an agreed business case.
Note that a project is temporary: a project thus has a starting and definite ending point.
The question is: are we doing 'business as usual' or a real change in the business. Take for example IT development: the "normal work" is whether it is temporary, or if the IT-work is performed only for small changes in the business. Nowadays, IT development almost always is “business as usual”. " lT development is in many ways more maintenance than start something truly new. Projects are not needed such a situation.
Agile and PRINCE2
PRINCE2 is a widely used methodology for project management. If a project seems practical and necessary, PRINCE2 is then a good choice as a method to control the Agile project? PRINCE2 is compatible with the philosophy and methodology of Agile?
Note that in many situations it is not necessary to set up a project. Below we are talking about cases where it turns out to be appropriate.
The PRINCE2 manual says that a project as a PRINCE2 project can be described as it satisfied the 7th principle of PRINCE2: "It is the adoption of these Principles that characterizes whether a project is using PRINCE2 '[PRINCE2.2009, section 2 ). That's why I look for way’s to reconcile these principles with Agile.
Continued business justification
Is already fully in line with Agile: any requirement on the product Backlog should add value in itself. PRINCE2 projects into practice: often only at the start of a project, the business case is considered in stead of continue testing to the business case.
Learn from experience
Fully in line with Agile: continuous improvement is an important part of Agile. At PRlNCE2 projects ( in practice) there is often a big improvement carried out at an evaluation or at the end of a project. In that case, there is no much learning capability built in during the project.
Defined roles and Responsibilities
It does not say in so many words, but it seems that the PRINCE2 manual suggests that each person in the project should have a clearly defined role and responsibility. Agile says nothing explicit about roles and responsibilities, but emphasizes cooperation and communication. Common Agile methods such as Scrum roles define less than PRINCE2, as these do have very clear responsibilities. If roles and responsibilities among several people can be divided, there is no conflict between Agile and PRINCE2. PRlNCE2 projects into practice: it explicitly dealing with roles and responsibilities that can lead to a more complex organization than is strictly necessary. Moreover, the emphasis is more on the role responsibility while from Agile emphasis should be placed on team-responsibility.
Managing by Stages
Here is a possible interpretation difference between PRINCE2 and Agile. Iterations should be planned without authorization, Phases must be approved each time. If the appointment is made that the Product Backlog always contains only those requirements that are approved by the stakeholders and prioritized, then there is no conflict between Agile and PRINCE2. This fact means that the contents of an iteration has been approved automatically, and thus the iteration itself. PRINCE2 projects into practice: often autorisation only happens one stage or a few stages or pre-defined phases.
Manage by exception
This is similar to removing obstacles wherever and whenever they occur. PRINCE2 is quite explicit about when an exception occurs. In other words: PRINCE2 is very explicit about defining tolerances within which a delegated authority may act independently [PRlNCE2.2009, section 2.5]. If these tolerances are defined very strictly, would be the self-initiative and self-organization can stand in the way. If there is sufficient trust so that sufficiently large tolerances are acceptable, Agile might work the same way. PRlNCE2 projects into practice: usually there is a steering committee meeting at regular and preplanned intervals. It rarely happens that tolerances are clearly defined.
Focus on products
PRINCE2 mean by "products" both finished products and intermediate products or by-products (management products). PR1NCE2 pays much more attention to management products than Agile. Agile says that we should focus on the end product and less on intermediates-products. The risk in PRINCE2 is high that too much attention is given to intermediates. If the focus on the end product takes precedence, there is agreement with Agile.
PRINCE2 projects into practice: focus on products often leads to focus on intermediates (management products), such as plans, reports, analyzes and other documents.
Tailor to suit the project environment
Basically, fully in line with Agile "Inspect and Adapt '. PRINCE2 projects into practice: usually all PRlNCE2 arsenal of roles, management products and decorated structures.
Conclusion: The Agile philosophy and PRINCE2 are surely to combine with eachother, if PRINCE2 is used (as always intended) light and is not too heavily rigged.