When using a Hand Held Portable Marker to stamp identification onto your parts, it’s easy when it comes to larger, heavier parts or assemblies and nothing could be better given the computerized solution that offers cord-free portability and comfort. However, it could be challenging or impossible to mark small components should the need arise.
For this reason, Millennium Signatures introduces our Combination Marker Set-up. Combining our T-300 Base & Column used for some of our Bench Top configurations with our very popular MKP-054 Blue Tooth Enabled Battery Powered Hand-Held Marking Head now allows you to effectively holster that Portable Marking Capability quickly into a Bench Top Marker configuration making it very easy to mark small tools, couplings, valves or almost any small metal or plastic components that would have been hard to do with a portable previously. It also makes it useful for marking small Nameplates with great precision.
Contact the Part Marking Specialists at Millennium Signatures Marking Systems Inc. To learn more about how to get more out of your Marksman Hand-Held Portable Marking System.
T: (905) 639-0909
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#MarkingMethods #PermanentMarking #FabricationID
#MarkingVessels #MilSigMarking