Combatting Self-Doubt For Success

Combatting Self-Doubt For Success

Here’s the thing about self-doubt:

?It’s an entirely normal and natural gut reaction we all experience at some point in our lives. Without the right tools, self-doubt may be more familiar to some than others, and maybe that includes you. That’s why I’d like to share with you my personal tips for overcoming those limiting beliefs of self-doubt that hold us back from our life’s true potential. Why? Because I’ve been there.

Maybe you want to try something new or turn your hobby into a business, but you fear the unknown. Or perhaps you want to meet new people but you’re afraid of what they will think? For whatever reason it is, let’s work together to combat those deep-rooted thoughts of self-doubt so you can start living the life you deserve.

Free yourself from the comparison trap:

Self-doubt can be seen as the direct result of the fear of failure. Sometimes, it makes?getting started?or finishing things harder than they need to be. And especially in a world where sharing on social media has become the new normal, comparing yourself to everything else out there can be detrimental to personal development. That’s why I say, don’t get stuck in the comparison trap - that endless circle of thinking you aren’t living up to what everyone else is doing.

And the truth is, you’re not! ;-) Why? Because what everyone else is doing has absolutely nothing to do with the path you are on. You must understand that your existence in this world is 100% unique, so instead of scrolling through your social media feed to see what others are doing, start by making a list of?your?strengths. This can be as specific as you’d like, but be sure to write everything down as you may soon discover the kinds of things that bring you pure bliss. Remember, you are the only one who can walk your path, it’s not meant for anyone else.

?Finding your bliss:

Finding your bliss is so incredibly crucial to overcoming fear. There should be absolutely no ounce of self-doubt if you are living your most joyous life doing exactly what you love. If you find yourself in a situation where you know you see much more to your life, whether that’s at work, your relationships, etc., understand that you can start to see those scenarios as temporary, not permanent!

Because the truth is, you and you only have the power to change what you do not like. Whatever you get the most joy out of, that’s living your most authentic life, in bliss. So, again, pull out that journal and start making a list of all the things that make you happy. And be sure to keep that list close by, so you can always reference it when in need of a little reassurance and continue adding to it as you start to uncover more. Once you shift your thoughts to a place of joyfulness, your mind will have no room to keep those feelings of self-doubt.

?Mistakes are okay with me:

It took me years to finally?trust the process?and take the plunge to open my dream business, Mind Movies. There were speed-bumps and even roadblocks along the way, but because I discovered my bliss and found my purpose, I knew it was all part of the process. That’s why mistakes are absolutely okay. The truth is, if you aren’t making any mistakes, you may not be trying your hardest. For me, mistakes had to happen in order for success to follow. I would never have known which decisions to make or what steps to take if I didn’t get out there and try and fail - and try again!

?"Everything you want is on the other side of fear."

- Jack Canfield

?Be willing to take risks:

If you are battling anxiety or completely nervous about taking that big leap, remember that everyone who is living a life of their absolute wildest dreams once had to make the decision to be fearless. If there is a new business venture, job opportunity, or your are just wanting to get out of your comfort zone for new possibilities, the secret is to just try.

Often we get discouraged by the word “risk.” Historically, it has had a bit of a negative connotation, but if you start to shift your mind to think of taking a risk as the ability to try, you open yourself up to even more possibilities.?J.K. Rowling explains, “Failure is so important. We speak about success all the time. It is the ability to resist failure or use failure that often leads to greater success. I've met people who don't want to try for fear of failing.”

Life is short. How many times have we all heard that before? I know I’ve heard it hundreds of times and I’m repeating to you, yet again, because that’s exactly the reason why we’ve got to be fearless and start taking risks.

So, apply for that dream job. Launch that website. Take that new class. And expect to make mistakes. Remember, you are not alone, self-doubt happens to all of us, but with these tools I’ve shared, I know you will be on your way to living the kind of life you want and the kind of life you absolutely deserve.


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