Combating the SME "what if's" when employing your first employee
Natalie Ellis Chartered FCIPD
Founder of Rebox HR ? I Podcaster??? | Multi-Award Winner | Author | HR Most Influential
I've just had a call with one of our regular pay as you go clients, who employs the services of several self employed people. They would love to take the leap and employ a couple of people full time, but the number of rights protecting employees these days (and the jargon that goes with it) has terrified the living daylights out of them...
Before you judge and say they shouldn't be an employer, hear me out, these are genuine concerns I hear from SME owners all the time...
- They're worried the employees will go sick as soon as they're employed them, what do they pay them? How do I manage them? What am I liable for?
- Will a contract help to protect their business as well as being legally correct with employment legislation?
- What if the employee walks out without giving notice?
- How much holiday do I have to pay them and when do they get time off?
- What happens with probation periods? How are they managed and what if it doesn't work out?
- What happens if I lose contracts and need to reduce hours
There are so many what if's and its exactly how I felt before Faye joined Rebox HR.
The client was so worried, that we spent an hour talking through all of the employment "what ifs" and all the stuff small business owners go through when employing people for the first time.
When I asked why they want to employ people, the simple answer was "I want to invest in the future of the good people I get to work with". That is a blooming good reason to employ people.
The service we offer isn't one of judgement, we are here to help. Our clients like our service because we take the time to work through these concerns, making HR more like a visit to a coffee shop with a friend who understands, rather than saying, "that's wrong" or "you've messed up".
We can't stop the risk, but we can minimise it. By working together and supporting each other, we help your business to grow, that is the result we want for every client we work with.
Lets grow your business together:
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