Combat the Afternoon Slump
You wake up feeling like today will be your day – your morning is productive, and you're on top of the world. Suddenly, 3:00 PM rolls around, and you have no energy to finish the day – we’ve all been there. The mid-afternoon slump is real – and reaching for an extra cup of coffee may not be the best solution.
Just as your circadian rhythm lets your body know when it’s time to go to bed in the evening, it can also make you feel tired at different times of the day. While it’s natural to feel more energized during certain times of the day compared to others, several factors can contribute to that mid-afternoon slump. These can include[1]:
So, while everyone may have a different source contributing to their 3:00 PM grogginess, there are a few things you can do to help overcome it.
Quality vs. Quantity
While experts recommend 7-8 hours of sleep, it doesn't always feel like an achievable goal for many. However, quality is often more important than quantity when it comes to sleep. If you can’t get a full night's sleep, it can help to find a nighttime routine that enables you to find your deepest sleep.
Start simple – take a bath before bed or try incorporating a sleep mask into your routine. Our signature Sleep Mask, filled with TEMPUR? material, is the perfect finishing touch in maximizing tranquility for a restful night’s sleep. It’s cool, compact, and molds perfectly to your face. ?
If you feel yourself dozing off at your desk or losing focus while trying to finish a project by the end of the day, get the blood flowing and try going for a walk. Taking a walk break or visiting a co-worker can be the reset you need to get through the rest of your day while reducing stress levels and boosting your energy. Trying to push through tasks rather than giving yourself a break may hinder you further. Clearing your head will help you work through that mental block you’ve been struggling with and make your afternoon as productive as your morning was.
Diet and Hydration
Food can significantly affect your energy levels throughout the day. Eating foods high in protein, fiber, and healthy fats can help you remain energized throughout the day, while foods high in sugar and refined carbohydrates can contribute to your drowsiness. Healthy snack alternatives to munch on throughout your day will help keep your energy levels high.
Staying hydrated is also a crucial element in staying energized. Dehydration can cause brain fog, making it harder to get through your day. According to the Mayo Clinic, the ideal water intake for men is about 15.5 cups of fluid per day and 11.5 cups for women[2]. However, this may vary depending on how active you are.
As with most things in life, there is not a one size fits all solution when overcoming the mid-afternoon slump. It’s best to consult a medical professional for guidance if you are consistently struggling with brain fog and afternoon drowsiness.??
[1] Dr. Michael Brues, How to Beat the Afternoon Slump (The Sleep Doctor, 2022)
[2] Mayo Clinic Staff, Water: How much should you drink every day? (The Mayo Clinic, 2020)