Columbus Children's Theatre is Everlasting.
When the regional premiere of “Tuck Everlasting” opens tonight at the Park Street Theatre, the cast will have that unique moment when they walk out on stage for the first time in front of a live audience as Winnie and members of the Tuck family.
For some, it will be their first role. For others, their fifth or sixth. While some of the actors dream of a career in the theatre, others are simply exploring their voice and creativity. All of it is welcomed and celebrated.
Tonight, parents will see their child grow before their eyes. Audience members who attend with their children will experience the joy and journey of a story well told.
All of this is transformative for the participating child. And none of it is new.
For more than 55 years, the Columbus Children’s Theatre has transformed families through the power of the stage. Their vision for tomorrow? A world that values curtain calls and elevate the arts.
For nearly two years, we have worked with the talented team at CCT to convey their case for support and to gain clarity on the strategic priorities that will move them forward.
Their values — artistry, magic, curiosity, triumph, openness — speak to who they are as educators, actors, and administrators.
All that CCT does leads to that defining moment on stage — and the impact of that is everlasting.