Colour Your Health
Throughout my life, my weight has fluctuated sometimes to extremes yet I have always being focused on health. I consider myself relatively healthy and ever since I can remember my mum and I have been focused on eating well and exercising. When I was living at home with my parents, I recall walking 20 kilometres with my mum even in winter at some ungodly hour in the morning with my mum, 'just for fun'. When I say early I mean like 3.30am early. Overall, I didn't mind it and mum and I were very fit and lean as a result of all of the walking. Most importantly, my diet has for the most part been very healthy.
As Ralph Waldo Emersen explains: 'The first wealth is health'.
However, recently, I have became very ill twice in the last few months which is highly unusual for me. It is incredible how much you value your health, when you get sick. I despise being sick and more importantly I really feel for those who are ill for months or even years on end. That is definitely no way to live.
Once I recovered for the second time, I decided to review my eating habits and realised they were a few issues that were robbing me of my essential health and wellbeing. More importantly, I hope this article inspires you to do something differently to improve your health before you or your family becomes ill. Below were the 4 main health issues:
- A high protein diet was not serving me and causing me health issues despite achieving and maintaining my goal weight.
- I was eating processed protein bars to sustain my weight as they were high in protein which were unhealthy for my body and my teeth. (Side note: my teeth are a priority to me - so important yet often neglected by people)
- I was eating sliced turkey and/or ham on it's own in the afternoon as a snack to regularly boost my protein intake.
- Due to a relationship I changed my eating habits to low vibrational foods such as processed meats like sausage, and red meat, white bread ( which I once despised by the way), and drinking too much champagne. Whilst my weight was amazing, I did not feel energised as a result of reverting to this new way of eating and I knew in the long term it would impact my overall health.
That said, I decided to change my diet using the following simple steps:
1. Choice of Bread:
Returned to eating sourdough and seeded wholemeal breads that I love.
2. Eliminate low-vibrational foods:
Eliminated the high protein diet although I still track my macros and removed the processed protein bars. Instead, I start my day with a protein drink with a banana or berries and soy milk before I hit the gym.
3. Change My Protein
Eat less processed meat and red meat in general although I sometimes crave it. I substituted it for tofu, vegan lentil burgers and more fish. Eating lighter meats increased my energy, reduced bloating and made me feel lighter in general.
4. Colourful Eating
Made my salad way more colorful introducing new ideas, and increased my fruit and vegetable intake.
I grew up on eating fruit regularly and suddenly went off fruit for the longest time due to the poor quality and the fact it goes off very quickly if you don't eat it within a day or two. Now, I am back to enjoying fruit yet it still can be difficult to find good quality fruit. I experiment with different vegetables such as parsnip, various types of lettuces, beans, capsicum and baby corn rather than eating the same vegetables time and time again which has been alot of fun. Sourcing my vegetables from the market has been both a cost saving and I enjoy the quality of the produce. Also, if anyone knows where to buy Australian garlic, would love your tips. I can't believe the supermarkets and produce stores sell garlic from mexico or some other random country when our produce is far better.
5. Farm Eggs
Farm eggs are the absolute best, they don't go off as quickly as all of the crappy supermarket eggs. The taste is slightly different however once you get used to it, I guarantee you, you won't look back.
6. Get Creative
I started looking up different recipes again to become inspired to learn new ideas and making it fun to cook at home. I love cooking for others, so a dinner party is always on the cards.
7. Instagram
I use instagram to follow my favourite influencers to source new recipes like @silvyaraujo @belinda.n.x @jshealth @amyleegiannotti
8. Substitute
Substitute rice for quinoa. It is much lighter and less calories, you can use it to make a stir-fry or a salad. Never use dressings opting for olive oil. Dressings have so many unnecessary calories and often don't taste that amazing.
9. Coffee Intake
Reduced my coffee intake and I feel so much more relaxed and energised.
10. Supplements
Threw out metamucil as it actually slows your bowel movements, the opposite affect of what I wanted. Whilst useful in certain instances it was not a necessity for my health.
11. Liquids
Unlike the majority of the population whom survive on coffee and tea, I always drink copious amounts of water so that is never an issue. Reducing my alcohol intake made the world of difference and really enhanced my clarity and boosted my energy levels. Whilst I am not a heavy drinker by any means, I got into the habit with a previous partner of having it way too often so I had to change that habit and I am very glad I did so from both a cost and health perspective.
The bottom line is it is super easy to change your diet for the better with a myriad of health results that are sustainable. Eating a good, healthy diet is the most important step you can take to improving our health in every way shape and form. You will be glad you made the change!
As Maxime Lagacé says: 'Keep your vitality. A life without health is like a river without water'.
This article first appeared on Angelina Zimmerman, Zillionaire Corporation - Helping Companies Elevate Performance