Colour underlined by fashion
We are introducing French Balayage & Gloss done for Pavelski hair. Images and visual style had to meet requirements for L'Oréal Colour Trophy 2022.
The task was simple: create cover look in contemporary french style on minimalistic white background with black and white styling. We decided for bold redhead hair and natural make up that underlines the features of selected model.
Light and framing was up to Gabriel. He decided for soft flash lights and focus on the model to highlight her best looks. Focus was not only on the hair but to make great beauty pictures that will represent Pavelski in hair competition.
Styling of the hair was quite demanding and we did big transformation. Our aim was glamour but contemporary look. Here is short description how we did it. Model had grey blond natural hair, first step was Metal Detox to clean and put together dull long hair. Next step: careful and precise work with French Balayage. Afterwards application of Gloss to achieve shiny redhead look. Styling that gave model french look required iron curling. We were happy with transformation from straight long hair to curls.
Work was already submitted to the L'Oréal Colour Trophy 2022, keep your fingers crossed for a team. We had fun to work on it and I hope it's visible in an outcome.