Visnupriya sivaraman
Actively looking for a job || Relationship Manager || Accountant ||
I feel embarrassed for laughing at some movies when they made jokes on Skin colours. The little girl back then did not have the mental ability to comprehend the double standards portrayed in some films. But now while re-watching it, I noticed how media often glorifies dark men in songs and movies but women on the contrary are often described as being fair and lovely. But this is not just about films, I was intrigued about why men are attracted to fair complexioned females while women prefer the dark and tall types and started reading more about it. The things I read made me ponder even more on this issue.
Researchers have found that men are subconsciously attracted to fairer skin due to its association with purity, innocence, modesty and goodness, while women feel that darker complexions are associated with sex, virility and dangers. "Lightness and darkness have particular meanings attached to and we subconsciously relate those moral preferences to women". Let's not keep them in a dark world or calling them as "DARK ANGELS", they are meant to be celebrated.