Colors in Design

Colors in Design

A Color Wheel is a disk or sphere comprised of primary colors, oftentimes at different saturation (dark vs. light colors). It’s a useful tool used by designers and artists to construct colors schemes. To the left, an example of a basic Color Wheel can be seen.

A Color Wheel can construct six different types of schemes: Monochormic, Complimentary, Triad, Tetrad, Analogic & Accented Analogic. These types of color schemes can create different effects, or looks, depending on the usage of them.

A monochromic color scheme is comprised of a single color at different saturations. For an example, a color scheme consisting of red, light red and dark red would be monochromic.

A complimentary color scheme consist of two colors on opposite sides of the color wheel. For an example, a person could consult the color wheel and place red with green as complimentary colors. Likewise, blue and orange would be complimentary colors, as would purple and yellow.

A triad color scheme consist of three colors equally spaced on the color wheel. For an example, we could couple green with purple and orange in a triad color scheme.

A tetrad color scheme are two colors coupled with two complimentary colors. For an example, a color scheme consisting of red, green, purple and yellow would be a tetrad color scheme.

A analogic color scheme consist of three colors neighboring each other on the color wheel. For an example, a color scheme of orange, yellow and green is analogic.

An accented analogic color scheme adds a fourth color to the analogic setup. For an example, the orange, yellow and green set up would be joined by purple.

To see examples, consult the online color wheel from Color Scheme Designer.

The initial color wheel model was invented by Sir Isaac Newton.

Color Meanings

We tend to connect certain colors with certain meanings or roles, as people. Whether we like it or not, color makes a big first impression, deciding whether we like something or not. Let’s go over the different colors:


The color red has always been a intense, passionate and masculine color. Traditionally, the color red was associated with masculine objects, concepts and activities. For an example, the color red was associated with sex, power, war, danger, strength, anger/rage and lust/love/desire.

The intensity of red can increase human metabolism and heart rate. Being highly visible, we’ve used red for stop signs/lights and emergency vehicles. In flags, the color red was used to indicate courage, especially in to knights, nobles and kings. There are bold designers that add red to the bedroom, but it’s suited to active areas—such as game rooms.

For women, the passionate, sultry reds haven’t escaped attention. The fashion/beauty industry have spent decades on red garments, make-up and nail polish. According to science, a woman in an attractive dress with hints of red in either make up or cloth can attract more male attention than another woman in neutral colors.

In design or advertisement, red is used to bring out important features. For an example, red would be good for “Buy Now” or “Click Here” buttons. Believe it or not, red can also be used for food/recipe or restaurant websites. Since it’s the color of a food, people tend to associate it with such.

Light Red: Joy, Sexuality, Passion and Love
Dark Red: Rage, Leadership, Violence and Blood
Red Brown: Harvest, Fall and Halloween


The blues—of any shade—have always been a calming, settled color. As a color of nature, it reminds us of water, wind and sky. Oftentimes, the color blue represents trust/truth, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence and sincerity. It can also represent depth, spirituality and divinity.

While blue isn’t a bold color, it can produce a tranquility and reason in people. It slows down metabolism and heart rate. During meditation, therapy or learning, the color can help people settle down, ease the mind and make tasks easier to complete. The blues are an excellent color for children’s rooms, bathrooms and learning areas.

In artwork, the shades of blue can be used for a dramatic effect or produce a certain feeling. In the ice shades of blue, we can get the feeling of cold, emptiness and alienation. The shade is associated with winter, a cold and desolate period of the year. In deeper shades, the blues can be professional, aloof and quite striking.

In design and advertising, the blues are excellent to promote services, products and information pertaining to education, cleanliness, health, water or alcohol and airlines. The blues are an excellent color to suggest trustworthiness, precision and confidence.

Dark Blue: Power, Integrity, Serious
Light Blue: Cold, Youth


Among the colors, yellows have always been the color of sunshine, daisies and bananas. Being a joyful, vibrant and robust color, it’s long been associated with energy, joy/happiness and laughter. These shades can remind people of innocence, in every shape and form.

When decorating, yellows are excellent for kitchens and dining areas. Being a vibrant color, it can stimulate the mind into mental activity—like a shot of caffeine. Whether being the main or minor color, yellows should be used in moderation. Always accent it with a dark, mellow color so it doesn’t overwhelm. Always remember to use it in areas of activity, never for areas of rest or relaxation. The yellows can be overpowering, driving people to become active rather than relax.

In design or advertising, yellows are excellent colors to promote children’s produces, fruits or simply to call attention to a particular heading. If a product suggests adventure, carefree times and leisure, then yellows are an excellent color to use, but avoid it if stability and safety are needed. Being a overpowering and spontaneous color, yellows will give the opposite impression.

Light Yellow: Illness, Cowardice

The primary colors are red, yellow and blue. These colors are replaced with yellow, magenta and cyan for print.


The browns have always been a color of stability, simplicity and reliability. The color brown brings up images of mountains, forests, plants and even animals. The browns—of any shade—are neutral colors, largely uneventful and dull.

In people, the colors can produce a tranquil effect, a slow downfall to relaxation and sleep. It slows down metabolism and heart rate. It’s neither a bold nor exciting color, so the brain doesn’t go into overdrive. It’s an excellent color for bedrooms, living rooms and even dining rooms.

When associated with food, brown usually conjures up images of chocolate—chocolate cake, chocolate milk, chocolate ice cream—or coffee. Being so, brown can be an excellent color to advertise food—especially chocolate.

In design and advertising, browns are good to suggest stability, simplicity and quiet professionalism. Being an earth toned color, the browns are also good to bring a feeling of nurturing, comfort and compassion to a design. It’s an excellent color for eco-friendly endeavors, home and health themes and outdoor activities.


There are many shades of green, each representing a particular or general aspect of mother nature. The greens can be associated with fertility, harmony and growth, but can also suggest greed, money and wealth.

In decorating, the greens (of any shade) can be a calming color—healing and rejuvenating. It’s good for vision and stress, much like the blues. It’s suitable for bedrooms and living rooms, or areas of calm and serenity. The greens are an excellent accent with reds, yellows or even shades of brown.

In design and advertising, the greens can be associated with different things. A deep green can be associated with greed, money or even Wall Street. A medium to light green can be associated with produce or eco-friendly products.


As a blend of red and yellow, any shade of orange can be rather robust. It can be associated with enthusiasm, fascination, joy and even creativity. It can also remind you of sunshine, heat or tropical settings.

In decorating, the oranges are shades of color that invigorate you and/or stimulates hunger. The color is suitable for designated for mental activities, such as offices or art & crafts areas. The oranges can be associated with food, so it would fit into kitchens and dining rooms.

In design, orange should be used to highlight areas or as an accent color. It’s highly visible, so use it with caution and expertise. It’s an excellent color to promote healthy foods/eating habits or children’s toys.


The purples are colors rarely seen or used. It’s a stable color associated with royalty, strength, power and wealth. It can convey ambition, wisdom, independence and/or dignity.

In decorating, a purple color scheme or accent can add a feminine feeling to a room. It can be used for theme decorating, but can seem more feminine than masculine. If applied properly, it can be a very attractive color.

In design, the purples can be an excellent choice for a feminine design. If used properly, a purple color scheme can be used for a wide range of websites. For an example, a lighter shade of purple can be suitable for websites aiming at young to adolescent girls. It can also be suitable for spiritual websites, if combined with appropriate colors. Any website requiring a feminine edge could use purple.

For an example, click here.


Black is a neutral color. The word neutral usually applies to colors considered to be without color. These are shades of colors at the end of a color spectrum, close to either white or balck. Other neutral colors are: White, Ivory, Beige, Gray and Taupe.

Typically, it can remind people of Halloween or scary nights (scary moon lit nights, a night filled with raging storms). Historically, black was a color associated with fears, evil and darkness. If a person saw black, it was connected to illness or misfortune. In modern times, black was given a lighter association through corporate America. These days, it’s a color associated with formality, elegance, power and mystery.

In decorating, black can be a delicate color to work with. If used improperly, it can make a home feel like a morgue, rather than a living space. It can also make an area seem smaller and/or more cramped. In theme decorating, it’s can be used to create very modern or futuristic atmosphere, but requires bright accent colors.

For examples, click here and here.

A black color scheme can be used for minimalistic or dark themed web designs. These schemes have been seen on business, entertainment or even news websites. If used properly, it creates the impression of elegance, power, formality and/or authority. The color can also create an edge of mystery and depth, which works wonders for darker themes (ex: gothic, vampire, supernatural and occult).

As with decorating, a black color scheme should (always) be balanced with bright colors. If black is a dominant color, using brighter colors to highlight or call attention to important areas is recommended. There should be minimal graphics, which can overwhelm the reader. Generally, black is an intimidating color that absorbes light, instead of reflecting it. Instead of using a pure black, try an offset or softer shade of black.

For an example, click here.


White is a neutral color.

A complete opposite of black, it’s been a color associated with purity, innoccence, goodness, honesty and light. The color of heaven, saints and deities has been white.

White is a suitable color to promote cleanliness, hosptials and charities. In advertising, it suggest honesty, caring and cleanliness. It’s a positive color, associated with only good feelings.

Being a neutral color, white doesn’t invoke any sort of feelings or opinions. Typically, it’s been used in institutions or hospitals to relax patients and visitors. When excessively used, it can make a room appear stoic, bled of personality and comfort. It’s a color that doesn’t give an impression, just a blank wall. To some, that can be unsettling. A splash of color goes a long way to change that.

For an example, click here.

A white color scheme can accent any subject or design. It can be seen on business, beauty and even educational websites. It doesn’t give an powerful impression or invoke feelings, unlike many colors, so it can be used to create a neutral or soft feeling. Be careful, though, because predominantly white designs can pack a punch (not always the positive kind).

A primary is a color that cannot be formed by mixing other colors.

Color Scheme Library

Color Scheme Tools


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