Colorless World
The universe is full of colors and, the sensation of light hitting objects has reflected the brain in different colors through the eyes. Colors are what we call electromagnetic radiation except for IR and UV. But the truth is that color is just an experience that the brain creates, and the fact is that the universe is colorless.
Does the colorful visual experience feel the same for all creatures? No, Dogs and cats have better night vision and less ability to recognize colors. Another aspect is that the creatures like bees can even see UV rays.
The ability of the organisms to recognize colors varies according to the arrangement of cells such as rods and angles and, the only creature that cannot recognize colors is the skate fish. It can only recognize black and white. If the human's vision were a little more developed. We can see infrared, radio waves, etc, can be detected in any particular color or other.
We can see the object in the color corresponding to the wavelength is when the surface of the object reflects light. The green leaf reflects light at a wavelength of 550 nm, so that's why it looks green. When an object reflects light, we can see it, but if it absorbs that light completely, it appears darker than the environment in where it locates. The darkest vantablack color developed by the British company absorbs 99.96% of light. Thus, the exact shape of the object or other surface features cannot be recognized by the human eye. In addition, the hotness of the stars can be, determined by looking at their colors. The yellow stars are hotter and, the red stars are relatively hotter. The Betelgeuse star in the constellation of Orionis red giant can be spotted easily.
The standard model presented by Collision Experiment, innovative research in particle physics, describes particles such as quark, lepton, Higgs boson, and photon. The universe locates in the Higgs field and, mass is a property given by the Higgs field. So, when matter interacts with the Higgs field, it gains mass. However, the light or photon particle has no interaction with the Higgs field so, it can travel very fast in the universe as a massless particle. This suggests that non-mass objects can travel at the speed of light. Photon particles moving in this way can also change the surface of the object on which it falls.
The Photon flux, which passes with sunlight, The UV, IR rays fall on an object will cause chemical changes to the surface of the object. Preferably plastic objects are prone to cracking and discoloration due to excessive photon exposure. The reason why red color fades faster than other colors is that it absorbs more energetic colors like blue and violet in the form of photons and emits only red.