The Colorado Supreme Court’s Misbegotten Attempt to ‘Get’ Trump

The Colorado Supreme Court’s Misbegotten Attempt to ‘Get’ Trump

In National Review, Robert Delahunty and I review the oral arguments in the Trump disqualification case at the Supreme Court."The big losers in Anderson will be those who tried to use lawfare to stop Donald Trump stone-cold dead in his tracks. Their attempt has backfired — badly. In their zeal to preserve “our democracy,” they have themselves proven to be a danger to it. Let the voters decide."

You're John Woo, author of the barbaric and murderous "Torture Memos", which allowed the US to torture people to death without any due process. Of course you're completely against the Constitution and the Rule of Law. Of course you tell lies about what the law and the Constitution say, because that's what clinical sociopaths do. You bring shame to any institution you work for, and humanity in general.


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