Colorado Potato Beetle

Colorado Potato Beetle

Colorado Potato Beetle

The common black and yellow-striped "potato bug", a very familiar insect, is the most serious pest of potatoes. Both the adult, or beetle, and the black-spotted, red larva feed on potato leaves. Their damage can greatly reduce yield and even kill plants.

This insect is notorious for development of resistance to insecticides over short periods of time. A rotation among different classes of insecticides is recommended to discourage resistance.

In addition to potato, Colorado potato beetle can be a serious pest of tomato, eggplant, and pepper. Colorado potato beetle overwinters in the soil as adults.

The Colorado potato beetle,?Leptinotarsa decemlineata, can be easily confused with its close cousin the false potato beetle,?Leptinotarsa juncta. While these two insects look nearly identical, only the Colorado potato beetle is a serious pest. While the adult false potato beetle has alternating black and white strips on its back as well, one of the white strips in the center of each wing cover is missing and replaced by a light brown strip.

Minimize your dependence on the toxic synthetic chemicals for crop protection by deploying our BraveHawk Series & eBionic Series IPM Products (physical insect-pest control solution) in your potato crop to avoid Colorado Potato Beetle and other harmful insect infestation.

Now Ai-Genix has brought an IPM solution for the Colorado Potato Beetle management. Colorado Potato Beetle management has never been so easy and cost-effective without BraveHawk? Series devices.

For more details on our IPM crop protection solutions for potato crop. To set up a web meeting, please write an email or send a message to us on LinkedIn.

Our email ID is

[email protected]

Khalil Shaikh

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