Colorado Hemp Processing Cooperative Announces its Shareholder Promotion Program
The Colorado Hemp Processing Cooperative (CHPC) is promoting all products made from whole Hemp plant processing. The new Section of our website the "CHPC Hemporium" has everything in place to do that. We have identified 98 Categories for Hemp based products and equipment for growing, harvesting, and processing Hemp. We call it the Shareholder Promotions Program. You can view those categories here:
If you click on your category and there are no Products listed, this is your Lucky Day! We are now searching for product producers to fill these categories. On your Product Listing there will be a Featured Image of your Product and a "More Details" button. When prospective clients hit the "More Details" Button they will be immediately transferred to your website. Easy, Peasy!
The Shareholder Promotions is designed to promote all things Hemp produced by our Shareholders. Shareholder Participants can complete the form on our website here: and we will promote their products in the Product Hemporium Section of our website. The only requirements are that all promoted products are made from a majority of Hemp, or used in the production of Hemp and Hemp Products, and that all the Listing Producers are Patron Shareholders of the Colorado Hemp Processing Cooperative. You can become a Patron Shareholder here:
If accepted into the Program and at your discretion, we advocate that you offer a small discount (using a Discount or Tracking Code) to purchasers that come to your website through our site. The Discount/Tracking Code will be “CHPC”. This is for your benefit in tracking the amount of orders that come to you through our website. There are no additional Affiliate Marketing fees associated with your Product Listing and all of any discount goes directly to the product purchaser. The Benefit to you is that you will be able to track how the purchaser found your product. An additional Benefit to you, as a Patron Shareholder, is that once the CHPC reaches the point of distributing Excess Revenues to Shareholders on a yearly basis, you will also receive a Pro Rata Share of those Revenues in perpetuity.
For your product listing, we will need at a minimum: the URL to your Website; up to a maximum of five pictures of your product (JPEG format preferred); and a Product Description Paragraph. We can also post links to short videos. If Offering a Discount with the “CHPC” Discount Code, we need to know the number of that percentage. If Offering Products in different categories, 1 (One) Patron Share will be required for each different category that is under a different category heading.
Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions.
Thanks for Collaborating!