Color of Friendship

Who Can be Your Friend?

????????????????????One Who is True to You When You Feel Blue.

???One Who Always Stands by Your Side When You are in Tryst with Feud.

???????And One Who Can Feed and Lead You When You are Mude.


???????Make Your Friends According to What He is, Nor What He Has;

??????????Judge Him by His Appearance, Nor by His Dearness;

Weigh Him on Your Balance to Know His Attributes, nor His Plentitude;

???????????????And Rate His Gratitude nor His Amplitude.


???Imbibe a Lesson of Friendship between Krishna and Sudama;

??Hug Your Friend As Krishna Hugged His Friend Heartily and Smartly;

?Weep for Your Friend As Krishna Wept Bitterly and Drearily for His Cursed Friend;

And Give Your Things to Your Friend as Krishna Gave His Precious Jewels to His Friend.


???Differentiate Between Your Reliable and Unreliable Friends;

A Reliable Friend Will Always Help You When You Are in the Lurch.

An Unreliable Friend Will Always Fudge You When You Are in His Touch;

So, Be Wise to Differentiate Between Your Reliable and Unreliable Friends.


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