Collegues and Friends at the Asia Leadership Roundtable
Prof. Dr. Stephan Huber
Universit?tsprofessor - Bildungsforschung - Inhaber des Exzellenz-Lehrstuhls Linz School of Education (JKU) - Leiter World Education Leadership Symposium und Innovationsforum Bildung - Dozierender an diversen PHs
It was a great pleasure to meet you all (again) in Guilin/China 2019: Ibrahim Ahmad Bajunid, Darren Bryant, Chris Chapman, Xiu Cravens, Ori Eyal, Helen Goode, David Gurr, Phil Hallinger, Lu Jiafang, Wendy Pan, Guri Skedsmo, James Spillane, Bambang Sumintono, Pierre Tulowitzki, Allan Walker and many others.
#HuberEduLead #WELS2019 #EduLead