Collegiate Discussions 4
Business Ethics 1
Issue management is a systematic approach to identifying, prioritizing, and resolving problems that arise during a project or within an organization. It helps ensure that issues are addressed promptly and effectively, minimizing their impact on goals and objectives.
Steps in Issue Management:
1) Identification
2) Documentation
3) Assessment and Prioritization
4) Root Cause Analysis
5) Resolution Planning
6) Implementation
7) Closure and Documentation
I enjoy learning about the issue management process because I have seen these steps executed at work countless times by my managers. Observing, the not-so-good managers or those who are busy at the time would defer to someone else. The great managers and leaders I have seen go through identifying, analyzing, and executing strategically and smoothly.??
One time, our recycler broke, and this was our first time using the machine. The manager pressed a couple of buttons for a little bit, then called the operating company (which took a minute), followed the instructions said by the agent and got it working. After the recycler was fixed, the manager communicated the directions to us and gave us tips to prevent this situation from happening again.?