The collective intelligence of the Mastermind Boardroom
Angela De Souza
Connecting Women to the Right People & Opportunities at Women's Business Club | Tech & Business Growth Strategist | Investor & Entrepreneur
Once upon a time, a long, long time again, in fact 75 years ago, a man named Napoleon Hill created the concept of the mastermind group. Today, we have become so familiar with the term that we perhaps don’t appreciate the genius of it. Hill’s design was simply to help you navigate through challenges using the collective intelligence of others. And why not, we all have different skill sets, various life and business experience, different temperaments and so much more and so it stands to reason that putting a few people together offers incredible dynamic synergy.
Join a Women’s Business Club Mastermind Boardroom near you or chat to us about leading one.
- Share what’s really going on in your business in a safe environment.Be part of an exclusive community of business women who take their business seriously and respect confidentiality. When last did you get to bare all or even feel safe to let it all out? As business women and leaders in our community we have to hold a lot in, bite our tongue and often struggle through the really difficult stuff alone. Not in the Mastermind Boardroom because you are with women who are in the same boat as you and get it. What gets said the in the Mastermind Boardroom stays in the Mastermind Boardroom! You can say anything (as long as it is within your half an hour allocated time).
- Pinpoint areas you want (or need) to improve. Blind spots in business can be very dangerous but in the Mastermind Boardroom you have a 360° view of your business. Not only have your group got your back, but your front, side, top and bottom too! Don’t be fooled, our Mastermind Boardroom is not a huggy, feelgood, girly club – it can get really tough at times as you hear 5 other views on what you might be missing. Yes, tears are shed, it’s not easy to build a truly successful business. On the flip-side, if you do need a hug there is always one in the group who is just waiting to reach out and offer some comfort after a cry.
- Gain insight from other members.The other members of the Mastermind Boardroom need you just as much as you need them and their expertise and experience. You now have a team of business advisers available to you offering significant value to your business and leave you feel like you don’t have to keep figuring everything out alone. Each Mastermind Boardroom has 6 members keeping us inline with Jim Rohn’s famous saying: "You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. – Jim Rohn
- Give you specific actions to focus each month. Setting goals and committing to KPI’s are a big part of what we do at the Mastermind Boardroom. You are guaranteed to see change each and every month because you expect to see change, you commit to growth and you push each other to get results. You will focus.
- Hold you accountable and focused during each month. Just to make sure that you focus and achieve your goals you are partnered up with an accountability buddy each month who will check in and make sure you are staying on track. When you know that you have to face someone each month and give account for what you have committed to you are more motivated to get it done!
Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle. – Napoleon Hill
As a result grow revenue and reach your goals faster.Business owners want to know the bottom line and that is that you will see consistent growth in you as a person, your relationship and you business.
For a small investment of £125 a month you can have all of this! It would be a bit silly to say that you can’t afford it or don’t have time don’t you think? Take 4 hours and invest in yourself and your business to see truly remarkable results. Or don’t and stay the same. It’s up to you.