Collective Impact in Anti-Corruption?
At the heart of corrupt counteractions is a substitution of concepts and values, a substitution of actions to achieve a result and end results. Not infrequently, under a slogan of democracy and common interests, contradictory ways and methods of achieving results are applied. However, the sustainability of result, its shakiness, directly depends on the methods of achieving the result. That is why needs to control not only "dry results" but also processes ensuring the achievement of the result.
The main cause of corruption is the human factor. No computers\software and monotonous artificial intellectuals will able to fight this disease, except for human himself. Monitoring and the impact of legislative and open public instruments can minimize the effect of corruption. The accuracy and correctness of the use of these tools in the open access are one of these impacts in order to minimize acts of corruption.
According to the materials of a World Anti-Corruption Day series curated by the World Economic Forum, corruption is most common at the so-called "standard operating procedures" via "social norm" and "presumed social practice". Extra welfare, financial or non-financial, due the services that have already been paid within the designated positions. And other samples. These all human factor. So, a collective impact on corruption is a good tool when the systematic use present.
From the unsubmitted to #Transparency International (TI)