Collective Cafe To Go: Live Read of "Life after the 30-second spot"?

Collective Cafe To Go: Live Read of "Life after the 30-second spot"

Every Thursday in the?Collective Café,?we do a live read and discussion of a selected book.

This month, courtesy of Bez Rengifo , we're reading Sydney Finkelstein 's Superbosses.

Last month, we kicked off our session with a live reading of my book,?Life after the 30-second spot.?

In a previous coffee, we covered the first 5 of the 10 tenets of today's "new" consumer. In this session, we delved into the remaining 5. Our aim was to see how prophetic, predictive and far seeing the book was, keeping in mind I wrote the book way back in 2004 (19 years ago) and published it in 2005.?

Here are the 10 tenets of today’s consumer:

  1. Today's consumer is intelligent?
  2. Today's consumer is empowered
  3. Today's consumer is skeptical?
  4. Today's consumer is connected
  5. Today's consumer is time pressed
  6. Today's consumer is demanding
  7. Today’s consumer is loyalless
  8. Today's consumer is always accessible
  9. Today's consumer is ahead of the curve
  10. Today's consumer is vengeful

Today's consumer is demanding

‘’Today's consumers feel they're owed something of value, and they should receive it pretty much on cue, they have a sense of media entitlement. And with that comes the instant gratification of content.’’

It's mind boggling just how futuristic and prophetic this snippet is, considering it was written back in 2004!?

Consumers want immediate solutions. One way of not providing that is through toll free Customer Care Numbers. Waiting times are extraordinarily long and tedious. The best solution is instant messaging. Marketers should use platforms such as WhatsApp and Telegram to solve problems affecting consumers. Such platforms are free, instantaneous, effective and not to mention super-fast.?

‘’Leverage telegram, leverage discord, hell leverage WhatsApp, to me, those are the Holy Trinity. leverage those three things….You don't need even a toll free number anymore, because you can make a call on WhatsApp, so easy, like literally people could take action from what I'm saying right now.’’

Today’s consumer is loyaless

...the word is made up but the meaning is not.

Your most loyal consumer and biggest ally can also become your worst an instantaneous click of a mouse.

The implications are simple: Don't become complacent. Don't rest on your laurels. Don't take your consumer for granted.

"What have you done for me lately?" is exactly the kind of mindset required to stay alert, on your toes and in the moment with a consumer that has more choice than ever before, but more importantly, is looking for a reason to buy other than cheapest price or....loyalty

Today’s consumer is always accessible

‘’In fact, several airlines including Lufthansa, Japan Airlines and SAS recently introduced inflight wireless, high speed internet access, the BlackBerry already delivers email in near real time…”

This is a relatively dated snippet. WiFi was just being introduced back then. However?‘today’s consumer is always accessible’?still holds true.

Today, we have lightning fast smartphones. Thanks to those smartphones, we can access Apps, AR (Augmented Reality), VR (Virtual Reality), AI (Artificial Intelligence), sophisticated search engines, machine learning, streaming platforms, instant messages, Social Media, AI Chat Bots, and the list goes on and on.?

Consumers have migrated and adapted such technology astonishingly fast. There has never been a time in history where consumers were more accessible than they are today. This fact actually emphasizes and proves true the ninth tenet?‘Today's consumer is ahead of the curve’.

Today’s consumer is ahead of the curve

‘’Today's consumers are running rings around marketers before they've even realized they've been surrounded.’’

Consumers have the power at their fingertips. Before making a purchase or even walking into your store, today’s consumers conduct research. They are self-aware. Modern consumers have inadvertently voided much of the purpose and jobs of sales persons.?

Given such scenarios, marketers have no other option but to come up with savvy ways to reach empowered consumers. Traditional advertising simply can’t cut it. It’s quite frankly insufficient, superfluous and ineffective.?

Today’s consumer is vengeful

“One disgruntled consumer can bring down an empire or at least make them rue the day they forgot that there is a human face behind each transaction.”

The Neistat Brothers might very well be the reason why Apple masterminded AppleCare. After multiple futile attempts to get an iPod battery fixed by Apple, they resolved to put together a short film titled,?iPods dirty secret.?Following the release of that film, Apple had no option but to humbly oblige to their demands. Apple immediately began replacing batteries and offering warranty, owing to growing public outcry.?

The Neistat brothers (vengeful consumers) simply reminded Apple that there was a human face behind each transaction. Their film had a tremendous impact before video sharing platforms like YouTube even existed.?


The world has made tremendous leaps in the technological field. Today’s consumer has adapted to Web3, NFTs, and online communities. Marketers must as well embrace and adapt to such technologies. Interactive and creative techniques must be conceived to seamlessly help interact with consumers. Keep in mind,?"Long term, consumers will have the last word. All I'm saying is that marketers shouldn't give them the first word."

Additional Information

To join our sessions LIVE (weekdays Monday to Friday, 8-9am EST), join the discord and look for the Collective Cafe channel. Now you can take your coffee to go if you like as the Collective Cafe is available as a podcast. Subscribe here.

Additional information is provided?here if you’d like to learn more about Alpha Collective and buy membership via credit card or?mint a pass. To learn more about the modern marketing techniques and the 10 tenets of today’s consumer, purchase my book, Life after the 30-second spot on?Amazon.


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