Collections are now live!

Collections are now live!

If you manage a community, you know it contains multiple channels and group chats at once. How can you keep posts from various channels within your community on different themes all in one place?

Our goal was simple: ensure every Gem Space user discovers the community's best content with just a few taps. And guess what? Mission accomplished!

Introducing - Collections!

?? What's a collection?

It's a curated set of posts grouped by a specific theme, all in one place within your community. For example, if you run a culinary blog, collections could be organized based on different types of recipes: "Mushroom Dishes," "Best Appetizers," "New Year's Feast," and so on.

?? How to create a collection?

Open the news feed, channel, or group chat in the community. Find the post you want to add to a collection and simply tap on it.

From the dropdown menu, select "Add to Collection." On the next screen, you can create a new collection where this post will go or choose an existing one.

Collections and their content are managed by the community owner. If the community already has collections, you can view them under the community's title.

?? Can collections be edited?

Absolutely! The community owner can modify collection names, icons, and delete them when necessary.

?? What happens if you delete a post added to a collection?

In that case, it will be automatically removed from the collection to display only the current posts.

We're committed to enhancing this feature for an improved user experience. Give it a try and share your thoughts with us! ??


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