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The Schloss-Blog has been collecting some favorite sayings, cliches and conspiracy theories about the coronavirus and our president in general. So today, for a little "lighter" touch, here are some of Donald's greatest hits...
...on the coronavirus:
- "You have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down close to zero," Trump said. Sort of like Trump's approval ratings.
- "Wear a mask." Studies show that 79 percent of people wear a mask. The other 21 percent are in Florida, Texas, Arizona and Georgia. And parts of Wisconsin and the West Wing.
- "Testing is overrated." Well, actually, the SAT and ACT might be overrated and some colleges are no longer considering them or weighing them as heavily as they did before the pandemic. However, COVID-19 testing can't be done enough
- "We are all in this together." OK, everybody except Donald said this and it's accurate, proving he couldn't have said it. No, we are not all in this together and never have been. If we were, Florida would not be the epicenter of the virus right now and Texas, Georgia and Arizona would not be under consideration to have their statehoods revoked (jk). Maybe Iowa too.
- "We're doing a great job," says Trump. Yeah, right. See the number of infections from Georgia, Florida, Texas, Arizona.
- Trump is turning the coronavirus handling over to the governors. What a stroke of genius. Doug Ducey (AZ), Brian Kemp (GA) Greg Abbott (TX), and Ron DeSantis (FL) are national heroes for their performances in containing the virus in their respective states, right?
- "Fauci made a lot of mistakes." One of them was joining the president's task force
- Wednesday, June 17: The pandemic "is fading away. It's going to fade away." At the time, there were 20,000 new cases a day.
- Saturday, July 4: "99 percent of coronavirus cases are totally harmless." Actually, 15 percent become severe and 5 percent become critical or fatal. One-thousand people died from the virus one day earlier this week.
- On multiple occasions, Trump has claimed he "inherited a broken, bad and obsolete" system for testing for the coronavirus from the Obama Administration. Small problem: the coronavirus did not exist during the Obama Administration.
And who can forget these classics:
- As to just plain telling the truth, Trump is striking out. He has surpassed the 20,000 mark, according to the Washington Post and other media outlets tracking his deliberate misstatements. He just can't help himself. In other words, the greatest hits list continues.
- According to Golf News Net, Trump has played golf since being in office some 278 times. That's 278 times, or close to one-third of the time he's supposed to have been in the White House, as he said during the 2016 campaign, "working (his) ass off."
- "I'm going to send in the Feds." Well, Trump did. Into Portland. Now, innocent, peaceful protesters are being arrested without cause and hauled off to who knows where. The Attorney General of Oregon has sued the Department of Homeland Security to get these unmarked goons off the streets. Welcome to the USSR of A.
- Commuting the sentence of Roger Stone. If ever someone did not deserve to suffer in federal prison, it's Roger Stone, right? Here's the irony though: his sentence commuted, and Mike Flynn's hanging in the balance, Trump, if he loses the election, could be the one who winds up in prison (alongside Michael Cohen?) while the guys he pardoned and/or commuted will be roaming free, unable to do a thing about his sentence.
- On the tariff trade war with China: "We're getting hundreds of billions of dollars brought into our country." Tariffs, Mr. President, are paid by us, the importer, not by the Chinese, the exporters.; Or, on the military: "Our military is now regaining strength like it's never had before. We had budgets of $700 billion -- far, far more than ever before. And this year, $716 billion." Obama's final military budget was $725 billion; and of course: "We have lost 500 Billion Dollars a year, for many years, on Crazy Trade with China. NO MORE!" We actually never had a trade deficit with China that ever exceeded $419 billion, and that was the only time, including all goods and services, $378.6 billion in actual products.
- And of course, we close with ... Person ... Woman ... Man ... Camera ... TV
This greatest-hits list could go on forever, but updating it in real-time would be almost impossible, as it grows so exponentially fast. Wait until you see the lies and misstatements he issues as he continues to slip in the polls as Election Day approaches. And he will likely try to declare as many as 15 million mail-in ballots as illegitimate after he loses in an attempt to swing the election back his way.
Mark my words, Mrs. Calabash. Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio?
I'd work my ass off on this some more now, but I've got a tee time.
More on Sunday night on my Radio Free Phoenix rock 'n' roll show. Wear a mask!