Collecting Spurs and 10 Interesting Facts!
Western Trading Post, LLC
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"Collecting spurs don’t make you no cowboy!” However, collecting?spurs can be a fun and rewarding hobby, enjoyed by thousands of folks. Not only does it provide the opportunity to own exquisite metalwork, but also to own a piece of Western history. The origins of spurs traces its roots back as early as the 5th century BC. These invaluable tools found widespread use among European horsemen during the Middle Ages and virtually every horse culture since, who possessed blacksmithing skills, incorporated spurs into their riding traditions.
The journey of spurs to the North American Continent unfolded in two distinct ways. The British introduced them to the Northeastern region of what is now the United States. But before that, the Spaniards brought them to what is now Florida and the surrounding Islands to the south, and then to "New Spain," which later became Mexico. However, the act of collecting spurs is a relatively recent phenomenon.
This interest was “spurred" on for modern day collectors with the closing of the American Old West era, the rise and popularity of cowboy films during Hollywood's golden age, the proliferation of Western literature and magazines, and the growing acceptance of rodeos and related events as mainstream entertainment. This surge in global popularity transformed the cowboy into an enduring American icon, prompting people to begin collecting items associated with the “Wild West.” The trend took root during the early and mid-1900s, and continues today.
Some spurs carry a substantial price tag and are eagerly sought after by collectors—often taking their place alongside other prized Western memorabilia. Among the most coveted spurs are antique specimens that have withstood the test of time. Those crafted by renowned makers and adorned with silver embellishments, tend to command higher value. Nevertheless, contemporary collectors also covet spurs produced by modern-day artisans. Owning a pair of beautifully crafted spurs by a sought-after maker is considered a badge of honor. In fact, the value of spurs created by prominent modern-day artisans can often rival or surpass that of the antique variety by a famous maker.
Today’s spur collector is a diverse community of folks, ranging from authentic cowboys, Western historians, and individuals from all walks of life with a deep affinity for the cowboy lifestyle. This hobby not only offers an opportunity to connect with the rich history of the American West but also fosters a sense of camaraderie among those who share a passion for these iconic symbols of the Western Frontier.
Here are 10 interesting facts about spurs:
In Conclusion, collecting spurs is not just a hobby, it is a journey through time and an appreciation of craftsmanship. These small metal objects carry the legacy of centuries of horsemanship. Who would have thought that a tool used by horsemen for thousands of years would evolve into a form of metallic art? Those Celtic and Roman blacksmiths would be amazed that the simple, almost crude, forms of spurs they once made would evolve into an art form that now-a-days can sell for many thousands of dollars!
So let’s embark on this fascinating adventure together, where you'll find a world of rich history, camaraderie and discovery. Happy collecting!
Jim Olson ? 2024
Loving the journey of collecting you're sharing! Abraham Lincoln once said - The best way to predict your future is to create it. Keep cherishing and expanding your unique collection ???? #inspiration #createyourfuture #hobbyjoy