Is Collecting a Heroic Commitment or a Crazy Sickness?
Venazuelan-born collector Tiqui Atencio has been collecting art since she was 18 years old. After decades, she has built up an eclectic collection with a focus on Latin American modern and contemporary art. In late 2016, she published the book “Could Have, Would Have, Should Have”, in which she has interviewed more than 80 of the world’s most influential art collectors. Hoping to bring readers to the inside of the world of art collecting, she asked these fellow collectors to tell their own story of how they started collecting and what continues to motivate them.
In turn, Larry’s List has got Tiqui Atencio to talk about her own collection and her motivation and thoughts behind her book.
Senior Advisor at KGI Associates Ltd
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Art + Gifted Teacher at Lycée Fran?ais de la Nouvelle-Orléans
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