Collect Moments
Moments matter. They bear great significance, provide powerful reminders, and are the catalyst for our memories. When you think back on your life and recall the “best days”, it’s likely that what comes to mind are moments that transpired in the given day. Perhaps it was your wedding, an engagement, the birth of your child, getting your driver’s license, completing a degree, or being cured of an illness.?
And when you think back on some of the most trying times in your life, it’s also likely that moments are what come to mind. Yet, in spite of knowing the power of moments, and how they literally can shape and transform us, we are not as intentional as we could, and should be, in creating and collecting moments in our life that we can use for our betterment and to enhance our well-being.
Because life can easily feel monotonous, due to our engagement with predictable routines and behaviors, it’s not uncommon for days to just blend together. Rather than seeing the beautiful things that are all around us, and the good moments that are actually occurring each day, we unconsciously navigate throughout life with our head down, moving from one task to the next.
Considering such, the challenge for this week is to reflect at the end of each day, to identify and collect the moments that were most (positively) impactful and meaningful for you.
The challenge: collect moments!
As kids, it’s not unusual to collect things. Perhaps you may recall having a “piggy bank” of sorts where you collected your allowance and watched it grow over time. The sheer act of doing such likely made you feel good. Regardless of what else was happening in your life — even if difficult moments — you had a bank you could draw from to go purchase some of your favorite candy or goods.
Think of this challenge comparably.
The goal is to be purposeful about collecting moments that make you feel good, so you can withdraw them when you might be having a “not so good day.”
As an example, at the end of every day this week, you may consider simply asking yourself:
“What moments made me happy today?”
Was it taking your son or daughter to school? Was it being celebrated in your office? Was it a deal that you closed? Was it dinner with your spouse? Was it a run that you took after work? Was it a promotion? Was it a kind word or smile someone shared to you when you picked up your morning coffee?
Of course, some of these moments may be just “typical” moments. Easy to overlook and not so grandiose. But, that’s the intention of this challenge: to help you slow down so you don’t miss what may be perceived as typical!?
Every day, there are so many things that we can be grateful for. If we’re not mindful about seeking them, though, they are easy to overlook in midst of the inevitable challenges we may be presented with. That said, promise yourself that this will be the week where you slow down to consciously collect good moments. If you choose to answer the question shared above, you may also find it useful to write out that answer and place the sheet of paper in a jar, box, or somewhere that will be easy for you to retrieve. Then, at the end of the week, review your answers. You may just be surprised at how many great moments you actually encounter throughout a given week. And seeing those moments will not only give you the nudge you need to shift your perspective in difficult times, but more importantly, it will encourage you to be intentional about continually seeking good moments in your future, too.
Wishing you the best as you collect positive moments throughout this week!