Collect for a cause.  Drop off days benefitting St. Joseph Orphanage.

Collect for a cause. Drop off days benefitting St. Joseph Orphanage.

In conjunction with the St. Joseph Orphanage’s Young Professional Group and Everything But the House. SJO is collecting auction items for a cause! OUR KIDS!

So start going through your attic, garage, basement, and dressers to see what you may have to donate!

How does it work?! All event details are included in the drop off day flyer.

Go to to complete your form and make sure your donation is eligible for a donation before being reviewed by the EBTH team!

  • What is eligible?
  • Antiques
  • Art
  • Jewerly
  • Watches
  • Coins and Currency
  • Cars
  • Sports Memorbilia
  • Décor
  • Electronics

Once approved, drop off at one of the above convenient locations at the designated times.

  • Got a question? Call Nancy at EBTH @ 513.680.9722
  • EBTH will do the rest and our auction will be on line for 5 days and reach bidders from over 100 countries !!!!!
  • Proceeds to benefit St. Joseph Orphanage!


