Collating data from multiple Non-uniform sheets and workbooks using VBA
In this article, we will collate the total sales data from Excel sheets that have different number of rows and different number and order of column headers. For Example
The google drive path contains the input Excel sheets. We need to calculate the total sales for each Item (all months combined). We will use the HLOOKUP Formula. We can manually apply HLOOKUP and add the sheet-level sums to get the Total. But when more than 50 sheets in 10 different workbooks are involved, this is a tedious, time-consuming and error-prone process. We can apply HLOOKUP through VB, and this can be scaled up to handle even hundreds of worksheets in different workbooks.
To create a macro, open a new Excel and save it as Sales Macro.xlsm. We can insert a Command Button into the Macro sheet
To enable development mode, go to File-> Options-> Customize Ribbon-> Check “Developer” Tab
To trigger the VB Script using a button. In the Developer tab, Drag and drop the Command Button(ActiveX Control) using the Insert option.
Drag and drop Command Button to the spreadsheet and double-click to open the VB Editor.
The code in the Sub will be executed on click of the command button. Place the downloaded workbooks in a single folder(D:\Sales Data). We can enter the folder path into the Macro in Cell H5 (5,8). The VB can read the path and append “/” to it.
Dim folderPath folderPath = Application.ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(5, 8).Value folderPath = folderPath & "\"
Let us first look at the process of Finding the total sales for a single Sheet(March). To get the details for Item F from Workbook “Sales data Q1 2019.xlsx” and Sheet for “March”, we should first put the sum of sales values into the last row, and then use the HLOOKUP Function.
Sum of Sales of Item F for March
=HLOOKUP("Item F",'[Sales data Q1 2019.xlsx]March'!$B$1:$D$7,7,FALSE)
The number of rows and columns change for each sheet. So D should be replaced with the last Column letter and 7 should be replaced with the last row number. To open the workbook Sales data Q1 2019.xlsx, we use
Set salesWorkbook = Workbooks.Open(folderPath & "Sales data Q1 2019.xlsx")
The following statements are written inside With salesWorkbook.Worksheets("March") .We have to first set the sum formula to the line after last row. To find the last row, we can use
lastRow = .Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
To set the sum formula after the last cell in Column B, we use
.Range("B" & CStr(lastRow + 1)).Formula = "=SUM(B2:B" & CStr(lastRow) & ")"
To get the last column number,
lastColumn = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
We can get the last column letter by splitting the address by “$”. (Eg. From Address $D$1)
lastColumnLetter = Split(.Cells(1, lastColumn).Address, "$")(1)
To drag the Formula from B:”lastRow+1” to “lastLetterColumn”:”lastRow+1”, use .Range.FillRight
.Range("B" & CStr(lastRow + 1) & ":" & lastColumnLetter & CStr(lastRow + 1)).FillRight
Replacing $D and $7 the above HLOOKUP formula with $lastColumnLetter and $(lastRow+1) respectively, we have
hlookupFormula = "HLOOKUP($H$6,'[Sales data Q1 2019.xlsx]March'!$B$1:$" & lastColumnLetter & "$" & CStr(lastRow+1) & "," & CStr(lastRow+1) & ",FALSE)"
If we get the Item name from a cell(H6) in the Macro, we can replace “Item F” with $H$6. If “Item F” does not exist in the column headings, the HLOOKUP formula will return a #N/A error. We can use the Excel ISERROR Formula to return 0 in case there is an error.
formulaValue = "=IF(ISERROR(" & hlookupFormula & "),0," & hlookupFormula & ")"
The above formula returns 0 if the Item does not exist in Sheet March and the sum of sales for Item with name $H$6 if the name exists in the headings.
To find the sum at a workbook level, we need to iterate through each sheet in the workbook and add all the Sheet-level HLOOKUP formulae
formulaValue = "" For Each sht In salesWorkbook.Worksheets With sht lastRow = .Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row .Range("B" & CStr(lastRow + 1)).formula = "=SUM(B2:B" & CStr(lastRow) & ")" lastColumn = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column lastColumnLetter = Split(.Cells(1, lastColumn).Address, "$")(1) .Range("B" & CStr(lastRow + 1) & ":" & lastColumnLetter & CStr(lastRow + 1)).FillRight End With hlookupFormula = "HLOOKUP($H$6,'[Sales data Q1 2019.xlsx]" & sht.Name & "'!$B$1:$" & lastColumnLetter & "$" & CStr(lastRow + 1) & "," & CStr(lastRow + 1) & ",FALSE)" If formulaValue = "" Then formulaValue = "=IF(ISERROR(" & hlookupFormula & "),0," & hlookupFormula & ")" Else formulaValue = formulaValue & "+IF(ISERROR(" & hlookupFormula & "),0," & hlookupFormula & ")" End If Next
To remove the hard-coding of Workbook name, we need to iterate over all Excel files in the folderPath. To do this, we can use
Dim StrFile As String StrFile = Dir(folderPath & "\*.xlsx") Do While Len(StrFile) > 0 Set salesWorkbook = Workbooks.Open(folderPath & StrFile) 'Add the formula of each sheet in salesWorkBook to formulaValue 'Similar to what was done sheet wise StrFile = Dir Loop
The HLOOKUP formula should be replaced with
hlookupFormula = "HLOOKUP($H$6,'[" & StrFile & "]" & sht.Name & "'!$B$1:$" & lastColumnLetter & "$" & CStr(lastRow + 1) & "," & CStr(lastRow + 1) & ",FALSE)"
Please find the macro here. Please find the full code below. Let me know if any difficulties.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim folderPath, lastRow, lastColumn, lastColumnLetter, formulaValue, hlookupFormula, StrFile As String Dim salesWorkbook As Workbook Dim currentWorkSheet As Worksheet Set currentWorkSheet = Application.ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1") folderPath = currentWorkSheet.Cells(5, 8).Value folderPath = folderPath & "\" formulaValue = "" StrFile = Dir(folderPath & "\*.xlsx") Do While Len(StrFile) > 0 Set salesWorkbook = Workbooks.Open(folderPath & StrFile) For Each sht In salesWorkbook.Worksheets With sht lastRow = .Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row .Range("B" & CStr(lastRow + 1)).formula = "=SUM(B2:B" & CStr(lastRow) & ")" lastColumn = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column lastColumnLetter = Split(.Cells(1, lastColumn).Address, "$")(1) .Range("B" & CStr(lastRow + 1) & ":" & lastColumnLetter & CStr(lastRow + 1)).FillRight End With hlookupFormula = "HLOOKUP($H$6,'[" & StrFile & "]" & sht.Name & "'!$B$1:$" & lastColumnLetter & "$" & CStr(lastRow + 1) & "," & CStr(lastRow + 1) & ",FALSE)" If formulaValue = "" Then formulaValue = "=IF(ISERROR(" & hlookupFormula & "),0," & hlookupFormula & ")" Else formulaValue = formulaValue & "+IF(ISERROR(" & hlookupFormula & "),0," & hlookupFormula & ")" End If Next StrFile = Dir Loop currentWorkSheet.Range("H7").Value = formulaValue End Sub
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