Collateral Advertising Take Two

Collateral Advertising Take Two

Thinking outside the box ..

I recently created a certificate for one of my hobbies ( Shortwave Radio listening ) and added a twist to the final product. Guerrilla marketing was engaged and I added some collateral advertising as a secondary means of reaching people.

The certificate does have a limited group of people that are of interest, however that core group has been very receptive. The certificate is for certifying a radio listener has shown the technical ability to listen to or monitor military communications. The  certificate itself is sponsored by Scenic Television.

People can download the certificate - add their name and date to it - and hang it up in their radio shack. All the while - Scenic Television is visible each time people look at it. Radio monitors and Amateur radio operators love to show off achievement certificates for bragging rights so this is a unique idea to spread the word.

I plan on creating a Boat Anchor certificate next for people that still use vacuum tube receiver equipment. ( Most vacuum tube receivers tend to weight a dozen pounds - hence the name boat anchor. )

What can you achieve when you think outside the box ?


