A collaborative way of working with sustainable supply chains
Ceren Altuntas Vural, Associate Professor, Department of Technology Management and Economics at Chalmers

A collaborative way of working with sustainable supply chains

Our course collaboration with Chalmers University of Technology - Sustainable Supply Chains

How we work with Academia??

Through our close collaboration with academia, we don’t just facilitate studentprojects where they work with companies and organisations’ sustainability challenges, but we also gain continuous access to the latest and most relevant interdisciplinary knowledge. This is of high importance when aiming to reshape business and society to work with more consideration for our planet and all its inhabitants. This helps us veer from explorative student projects to services and education with specific deliverables.

The different projects we offer to students are bachelor and master thesis, internships and course collaborations. For course collaborations in particular, the course leaders can take action to give students a chance to make connections and carry out a case for a company/organisation.

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HoloHouse at A Working Lab in Johanneberg Science Park, G?teborg

Sustainable Supply Chains course??

We have collaborated with the Sustainable Supply Chains course at Chalmers University of Technology since 2019. We have had a total of 23 cases between 2019-2022. In the course, the students do a group project where they analyse the company ?s supply chain from a sustainability perspective by using a theoretical model and data provided by the companies. In December 2022, the year ended with the presentation of this term’s results and now want to disseminate this information for new companies and organisations that might want to take part next year. The course provides students with the theoretical tools and understanding to analyse the supply chain of a case company and develop some recommendations for building sustainability in their supply chains. The course content includes topics such as sustainable purchasing, sustainability risks, monitoring and controllingof suppliers, how to make products more sustainable, closed-loop supply chains and social responsibility.

The course runs between November and December every year.

The students make an initial visit to the company ?s premises, 
or meet the company representatives in an online meeting and 
then carry out the work. During the project period, the 
students will be in contact with the company and may visit 
the company ?s business more times to gather information.

The students will present the results in an oral 
presentation and a written report (in English). A separate 
presentation will be made to the company by the students.        

Ceren Altunta? Vural , Associate Professor, Department of? Technology Management?and Economics at Chalmers, examiner and lecturer in Sustainable Supply Chains course

Ceren Altunta? Vural, Associate Professor, Department of  Technology Management and Economics at Chalmers, examiner and lecturer in Sustainable Supply Chains course
Ceren Altuntas Vural, Associate Professor, Department of Technology Management and Economics at Chalmers, examiner and lecturer in Sustainable Supply Chains course
“We have been collaborating with HoloHouse for almost 5 years in Sustainable Supply Chains course now (former Sustainable Logistics) and they have been such a valuable support in building a course that fulfills majority of student expectations. The students want to see real life applications of sustainability in different supply chains and the project which is done in collaboration with HoloHouse provides them this opportunity in a diverse set of sectors. The collaboration with HoloHouse enables bridging our course with the industry and apply a theoretical model to real-life supply chain problems. The student group work is very much appreciated by us, the teacher team as well as the industry partners who utilize the results in their organizations.”

Comments from students who have participated in Sustainable Supply Chaincourse 2022:???

“Also, the entire project work was a great experience. Diving into the practical use of the sustainable supply chain model and helping a company work with the supply chain, and in our case the assisting in the implementation of a reverse supply chain has been a great learning experience and a lot of fun as well.”?
“I also think it was developing to work together with a real company together with a group. Gathering information and thinking about improvement opportunities for the company was both fun and challenging. It felt valuable to be able to apply the knowledge created during the course in a real context.”?
“How I moved from limited knowledge about the subject into broadening my understanding and learning concepts to apply in a real-life project. This project also led to a collaboration with the company for a master thesis in circularity.”

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Final student presentation at Chalmers, 2022


Get in touch

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Ebba Ekman, Project leader

If you are interested in participating in this course collaboration please do not hesitate to contact Ebba Ekman [email protected]

For more information about HoloHouse, how we work and what we offer feel free to visit holohouse.se



