Collaboration the key to learning
I don't remember having the appetite for learning back in my school days that I have had throughout my career and certainly during the last decade or so. I'm not sure why that was the case but my recent trip to India and the Middle East proved to me once and for all that my ability to grow and digest information is at its very best when collaborating with colleagues and partners.
At Oncam we have created and embraced an environment of openness which promotes knowledge sharing. During this last trip I realised how fortunate we are to have acquired talent who are confident in their ability but secure enough to leave their egos at the door and share for the greater good of our business.
Although I have over 20yrs industry experience I have never operated in India previously. Thanks to the regional team I learnt so much during our week and was able to add value through my experience in other parts of the globe and vertical market experience. As a global London based resource it is easy to think all regions should focus on taking solutions to the same segments but again the India trip disproved this with our India team having a huge focus on Safe Cities.
After spending the week with them and partners I have a much deeper understanding of the in-country climate, budget allocation and drivers for such investment in that area of Security.
The same goes for the second part of our trip when we visited Dubai and met with many tier 1 retailers. It was fascinating to take an empathetic approach to their operational requirements and gain an understanding of where they are at on their technology roadmap journey.
I am proud to operate in an industry now where people are coming together to create an open environment to maintain technological progression. It wasn't always like this in this industry and I for one am delighted as my knowledge continues to grow thanks to the ongoing collaboration with team mates & partners.
Long may it continue!
#collaboration #partnership #growth