Collaboration – Increasing your Revenue through the Help of Others!
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed. It is the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead
As a Business Owner, you are usually wearing several different caps and are expected to have a reasonable amount of expertise in each one. It may be the marketing and sales cap or the human resources cap, or the bookkeeping and accounting cap. So much to do and so little time. ?You can of course delegate duties as you see fit, or outsource, but when it comes to sales and marketing there is an easier way, and that is to collaborate with others.
It is the ultimate in networking to be able to work with other businesses to build a steady pipeline of qualified referrals and to collaborate on events to be able to cross refer clients to each other. The Persuaders Powerhouse based in Bathurst is one such group. They meet weekly to give and receive qualified referrals and they collaborate on joint ventures that often benefit everyone in the group.
Another example is some local Accountants, from small Accounting firms, who get together each month to share ideas, frustrations, and ways to continuously improve. They are direct competitors and yet realise the value of collaboration. ???
The Lithgow Halloween Festive is an excellent example of collaboration, when a few years ago a several local Retailers got together to turn their shopping precinct into a safe space for children to experience Halloween and trick or treating. An estimated 400 people attended. Today that event has expanded to most of the CBD and attracts over 20 thousand people from all over the place. Everyone benefits!
The main ingredient for collaborative projects to work is TRUST. Seek to find partners that have the same values as you and that have demonstrated they are generous, insightful, and appreciative. People that share that win, win philosophy will ensure success. Those that are known as givers and not takers. People who need to attract similar clients to yourself.
Once you have picked your partner or partners then it is a matter of deciding on an activity that will interest and attract potential clients. A simple one is running a joint seminar where both partners can show their expertise, but it has to be of interest to those who are invited to attend. For example, you might be able to host an event and ask your Accountant to talk about how the Federal May Budget impacts on local businesses. Or you sponsor one of the local charity events and invite other business owners to participate and for them to invite their customers.
A business can not go it alone, especially solopreneurs. Other business owners are always happy to help ?so think about who you could partner with to attract more clients and then just ask them if they would be keen on collaborating? The more you collaborate, the more you can increase your client base and revenues. You are only limited by your imagination. Business success is Connecting, Communicating, and Collaborating!
Network and Prosper!