Collaboration, Curation and Contracts
Photo credit: Charles Deluvio

Collaboration, Curation and Contracts

This past week has been a satisfying mix of activity and learning, and I thought I'd share some highlights with you. It's always exciting to dive into new projects for Zonder , especially when they involve learning more about people and how to improve their lives.

Photo credit: CoWomen

Curating Interviews with Asthma Patients

One of the most interesting parts of my week was curating interviews with individuals living with asthma. Listening to their stories and experiences was inspiring. It's incredible how resilient people can be, managing their daily lives while dealing with a chronic condition, even when they see it as mild and well-controlled. The main takeaway? Everyone's journey with asthma is unique, and understanding these differences is key to providing better care and support.

Encouraging Patients to Keep a PEFR Diary

I will be using the patient learnings to help devise an improved process for taking care of asthma, one that will better meet the needs of both the patients and be more efficient for GP practices. ?This week I started by focusing on devising strategies to encourage patients to keep a Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (PEFR) diary. For those who might not be familiar, a PEFR diary helps track lung function, which is crucial for managing asthma. We discovered that the biggest barriers are often forgetfulness, perceived inconvenience, the feeling it isn’t taken into account and a lack of understanding of its benefits.

To tackle these issues, we're exploring ways to make keeping a diary more engaging and less of a chore. From using fun, interactive apps to setting reminders that integrate seamlessly into daily routines, we're hoping to make this practice a no-brainer for patients. After all, as any entrepreneur knows, data is gold—and the same goes for health data!

Photo credit: Chris Chow

Chronic Care Services Customer Contract

On the business side, my co-founder, Govin Murugachandran and I have been working on a customer contract for our chronic care services. For a non-lawyer like me, this has been a bit of an arduous process, blending legal considerations with a focus on customer experience. The goal is to ensure clarity and transparency while also making the contract accessible and understandable for all parties involved. It's all about building trust and providing the best possible service to our clients.? But legal-speak isn’t my native tongue, and using it reminds me of feeling like a 5-year-old trying to hold a conversation in a language I’ve barely started learning.

Photo credit: Patrick Perkins

Building the Company with More Structure

We've been adding more structure to our company and solutions, and this week included a major effort to contribute to our Kanban board. Each individual deliverable now has its own ticket, allowing us to track progress more efficiently and ensure that nothing falls through the cracks. This system not only helps us stay organized but also provides a clear visual representation of our workflow, making it easier to prioritize tasks and allocate resources effectively.

Photo credit: Caleb Jones

Team Coaching Session with My Co-Founder

To round off the week, my co-founder and I participated in a team coaching session led by our seasoned coach, Philipp Essl. It was a fantastic opportunity to learn new ways to be more efficient and foster a collaborative and innovative environment. We explored how to navigate our different approaches to problems and opportunities, which is crucial for our partnership. I need to remind myself there's more than one efficient way to reach a destination, and sometimes it's best to simply choose one and save time on discussing two good options. It's amazing how much you can learn from each other, especially when guided by someone skilled in bringing out the best in people.

In Conclusion

So, that's a glimpse into my week. It's been a mix of learning, strategizing, and working on projects that I believe can make a real difference. Whether it's helping asthma patients manage their condition better or ensuring our business operations are top-notch, it's all part of the journey.

This Week's

Lowlight: Feeling partly responsible for our first experience with an on-site team member that could have been leveraged for more value for Zonder. But I've now drawn a line under it, taken the learnings and look forward to our next opportunity.

Highlight: Drawing patterns and insights from the patient interviews in order to produce the first piece of the puzzle (the PEFR diary) to ultimately deliver a better experience to people living with asthma.

Ask: Help in accelerating our learnings...if you are an individual with asthma or know someone close who does, please (ask that person to) fill in our 4-question survey here.

If you are a GP practice leader who can spare 20 minutes to share your insights into how we can improve routine chronic care delivery for you, please book time at your convenience here.

Stay Current with Progress by My Cohort of Co-Founders

A Founder’s StoryMarjo Palanee, is now focusing the spotlight of her blog on under-represented founders and their startups whilst offering her services in building communities on social media. I highly recommend her workshops!

Air Aware Labs - providing personalized health insights from air pollution data

Kuma Health - transforming immune mediated disorders care through personalized medicine

Deep Roots - Securing additional revenue streams for farms and building resilient supply chains through agroforestry

Ultra BiOmics - improving your metabolic health

Smart Shift Energy - empowering consumers to reduce their home energy costs

Marjo Palanee

Need a community builder? marketer, social media, audience development & content expert? Get in touch.

2 个月

Thank you for sharing, sounds like a very productive week! My PEFR diary has been looking back on my GP records everytime they took mine ?? so a great reminder to be more intentional with it. Can’t wait to read more insights on that front!


