Colin Kaepernick A Marketing Genius or Complete Moron?
When it comes to marketing your personal brand, it all comes down to attention and how well you can command it.

Colin Kaepernick A Marketing Genius or Complete Moron?

Love or hate former NFL Quarterback Colin Kaepernick, he’s quite the polarizing individual. Known for not standing while the National Anthem is being played, pissed quite a few people off and at the same time, people can’t stop talking about this guy.

Recently Kaepernick created some serious media attention when we set up a private workout at the Atlanta Falcons training facility to attempt his reintroduction back into the league after not playing since 2016.

However, at the last minute, he decided to change the location of the workout to some obscure high school football field in the outskirts of Atlanta.

Twenty five NFL team scouts were all scheduled to come watch him workout and at the last minute, he changes venue?

What kind of move was that?

No one likes being thrown curve balls, especially the NFL.

It’s clear that Colin Kaepernick is a proud activist against racism and police brutality which I totally get.

I hate racist people and I think police brutality is an awful thing.

But what about all of the men and women that serve out country in the military that risk their lives every single day to keep this country safe?

This seems to be the heated debate that everyone is all fired up about.

When you google “Colin Kaepernick,” more than 20 million search results show up.

When Kaepernick announced for the first time about his private workout, social media lit up like a Christmas tree.

And then when shit hit the fan about him changing plans at the last minute, Colin Kaepernick literally BROKE the internet!

Millions of tweets were posted.

Thousands of videos were posted which were seen by millions of people.

The media went crazy over the story.

Tempers flared from giant sports personalities like Stephen A. Smith.

When it comes to demanding attention, I think Colin Kaepernick has that game locked down.

Here’s a marketing genius!

When it comes to marketing your personal brand, it all comes down to attention and how well you can command it.

I think Kaepernick was successful with this little PR stunt.

However, did this cost him his career in the NFL?

Here’s my professional opinion from a personal brand perspective.

Branding is all about the gut feeling you get when you interact with a person or business.

In my opinion, this guy comes across as “uncoachable.”

Clearly he likes to call the shots.

Clearly he doesn’t like to be told what he can and cannot do.

To me, when someone like this comes on a team like a loose cannon, they’re a liability.

If an NFL team does decide to bring him on, yes, this can boost ticket sales tremendously.

Will it bring massive attention to that sports franchise? YES!

However, what will do for the team as a whole?

How could he potentially become a huge risk to the organization?

What happens when team comradery and cohesiveness are disrupted?

What happens when Kaepernick starts calling his own plays and dismisses his coaches’ orders?

What happens if angry fans start protesting and stop coming to games?

Who knows?

This is all hypothetical.

The point is this.

Without rules, organizations crack and crumble to their peril.

If someone can’t follow simple rules, the bottom line is that they “gotta go!”

They’re a cancer that needs to be cut out before it spreads and becomes a disaster.

I think Colin Kaepernick should take his estimated $22 million deal he got from Nike and become a full-time activist.

I think he’ll be much more suited for that arena instead of the NFL.

He’ll also make more of an impact.

I think he’s a complete moron he if continues to try to work his way back into the NFL.

It’s a complete waste of time.

What I will say about Colin Kaepernick is that he’s one hell of a marketer.

He knows how to command attention and get it.

Take that blessed skill and do good with it by becoming a full-time activist.

That’s what you’re really good at. Triple down on it and make some massive moves!

Being disruptive is a great way to gain attention.

However, when it comes to a team environment, being disruptive can cause a lot of damage to the organization as a whole.

One thing I do love about Kaepernick is that he’s polarizing.

He doesn’t play the middle at all and takes a stand for what he believes in.

So go ALL IN on stomping out racism and police brutality and continue to fight that battle.

Unfortunately, I think the NFL has his number and his career as a Quarterback is finished.



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